I nodded.
“Soooo,” she began, “since when do you throw parties and not invite me?”
I rolled my eyes. “That was all Crew.”
“Did you actually hang with baseball players?”
I shook my head. “I only went outside to shut the party down.”
“Next time, call me. Cody and I would’ve come over.”
“Oh, there better not be a next time.”
She laughed. “You wanna drive with me to the game tonight?”
“I think one game was enough for me.”
“Come on,” she pleaded. “I can’t go alone.”
“Of course you can,” I assured her.
“There are so many girls hanging around just trying to catch the eye of one of the guys. I can’t fight them off all by myself.”
My stomach turned at the thought of girls trying to get with a player. Didn’t these girls realize many of the guys had serious relationships back home? Did they even care? “Gold digging whores.”
“Exactly. They want to latch onto them for what they might become.”
“Well, lucky for you, your family’s loaded. Cody has to know you’re not in it for the money.”
She laughed. “You think so?”
“Besides that, look at you,” I said, my eyes drifting over her flowy peach sundress. “You wouldn’t be caught dead in a ball cap and cutoffs.”
Her brows dipped. “What does that have to do with anything?”
“Well, it means you’re not trying to be anyone but yourself.”
“You think?”
“I know.”
“So, does that mean you’ll go with me?” she asked.
“Peyton,” she whined.
“Gina,” I teased.
“I’ll owe you.”
“I will make you pay up.”
Dammit. I was going to another stupid baseball game.