Page 93 of For Crosby

For the remainder of the night, Crosby ravaged my body, exacting the punishment I deserved for abandoning him and doubting he knew what he was doing. For not realizing he was only trying to protect me and my future. For not seeing he was exactly who I needed from day one.

I swore to myself, from that night forward, I would never underestimate him ever again.


Three Years Later


I flew out of my seat and banged on the glass in front of me. A player from the opposing team had Crosby in a headlock mere feet away on the ice, punching at his chest with his oversized gloves. From what Crosby told me, with all the pads they wore, they couldn’t feel a thing—unless the helmets and gloves came off. Then, it was no holds barred.

The fans around me jumped to their feet, screaming and cheering like the wild hockey fanatics I’d come to know and love. If I’d learned anything from Crosby’s time in the pros, hockey fans lived for the sport—and the fights.

I watched Crosby relent and let his opponent punch him. What was he doing?

That’s when it hit me.

That fool.

As soon as the crowd got into it, he slipped out of the headlock and dropped his gloves, going at his opponent with everything he had.

Eventually the refs intervened, making a big show of pulling them apart. As Crosby was pushed by me toward the penalty box, I caught him wink beneath his helmet.

I shook my head, still loving his cocky ways.

After the game, I remained in my seat as the rest of the arena cleared out. I placed my normal post-game calls to Finlay and Caden to brag about Crosby’s two goals and to Crosby’s mom to give her the opportunity to do the same to me. Even though she’d won her appeal and been released from prison a few months earlier, she was required to remain in Texas. I knew she would’ve given anything to be there for her son. But watching him on television and getting her nightly calls made her just as happy.

I tucked my phone into my bag. Workers swept up spilled popcorn and picked up empty beer cups, paying me no notice in my front spot. They were used to me. No one but me occupied that seat. And even though the other girlfriends and wives sat in the boxes up above, Crosby wanted me where he could see me. And even after all these years, I liked knowing he did.

“Whatcha thinking about?”

My smile sprang free knowing who I’d find when I turned my head. “You.”

Crosby approached with a grin, his wet hair slicked back and his cheeks still flushed from his workout on the ice. He wore a white sleeveless shirt, though he held the button-down and tie required before and after games. He stopped once he stood in front of me, leaning down and kissing me.

“Keep it PG, Parks,” I smiled as he pulled back.

“When we get home, we’re going right to X.”

I laughed, loving that I was the one who got to go home with him every night—at least the nights he was home. Away games were lonely, but with law school filling most of my hours, it worked for us.

“How’d I look out there?”

“Same as usual. Amazing.”

He laughed as he slipped his arm into his button-down shirt. The tattoo on his left bicep caught my attention as it normally did.

“Show me,” I said, just as giddy as the first time I’d seen it.

A cocky smile tipped his lips. “Show you what?”

“You know.”

He laughed as he twisted his arm so I could see the vibrant ink of a golden crown with the word ice interlocked in it on his bicep.

“That’s my favorite.”

“Mine too. Now show me,” he said, the authority in his voice a total turn-on.