She stared across the table at me. “Sabrina.”
I met her gaze, hating the pity in her eyes.
“You should’ve told me. I would’ve helped you.”
I handed her a pile. “Then what are you waiting for? Get searching.”
She smiled.
“I’ve got more printouts,” Grady said, approaching the table with the stack of papers he’d fetched from the copy machine.
Finlay stared at him. “He’s helping you?”
“He has a name,” Grady said, tossing the papers down in front of me and sliding into the seat beside Finlay.
I laughed as he wrapped his arm around her shoulders. She jumped out of the seat and circled the table to sit beside me, avoiding Grady at all costs.
But regardless of their love-hate relationship, the three of us didn’t leave that table for the next five hours until we found what we were looking for.
I leaned against the outside of the campus gym, impatience overwhelming me. The door opened and closed, people in workout clothes coming and going all day.
After what felt like hours, the door opened and one of Crosby’s teammates came out. He was a tall guy with long strides, so I hurried to catch up as he walked away. “Mathews, right?”
He looked to me, his dark eyes widening like he knew me. “Yeah?”
“Question for you. What’d Jeremy Potter do to get you to tie Crosby to that tree?”
Guilt crossed his face. “Who said I did that?”
“You want the list?”
His pace quickened and I struggled to keep up with him. “So, what if I did?”
“Just wondering what he had on you to make you do it?”
“Who said I didn’t want to help?”
I grasped hold of his arm and stopped him. “Come on. The guy’s an asshole.”
He looked away from me, somewhere over my shoulder. “What’s it matter to you?” he asked.
“I dated Jeremy,” I explained, though his eyes hadn’t returned to me yet. “Not one of my proudest moments.”
“Hey, Mathews” a stocky guy I also recognized from the hockey team said, stepping up beside us. He looked at me, unapologetically assessing me, particularly my boobs. “The video definitely didn’t do you justice.”
Mathews, looking guilty as ever, shoved him. “Shut up.”
Fear spread over me. “What video?”
“See ya,” the guy said, taking off before I could stop him.
I grabbed Mathews’ arm again. “Talk.”
“You’re not gonna like this.”