Page 54 of For Crosby

He snickered.

I stared up into his blue eyes. They were so pretty and clear up close. So different than the angry ones I’d seen on more than one occasion. “Because I’m running out of reasons not to,” I said.

Relief spread over his features as he leaned down and pressed his lips to mine. “Then I’d love to see what your hand and me have in common.”

“As you wish, Mr. Hockey.”

“You warming up to Mr. Hockey?”

“Only when he’s talking dirty behind closed doors.”

“I got you, girl,” he assured me before rolling onto his back and taking me with him. My hand worked its magic until he was as breathless and sated as me. And then we slept, taking a much-needed afternoon nap together.



Holy hell.

It had been some time since I’d had a gorgeous girl draped over me. And this one wore nothing but a towel. A towel I would’ve given anything to rip off her. But I was taking it slow. I would’ve been an idiot not to. We were essentially alone on a massive campus with nothing to pass the time but each other.

Sabrina’s breath whooshed in and out of her lips softly, a quiet purr accompanying her sleep. She had this tough exterior, but asleep in my arms she was so vulnerable. But I would’ve been lying if I said watching that movie with her body pressed to my side hadn’t been pure torture. I couldn’t focus on the damn movie. I couldn’t focus on anything but Sabrina in my room. On my bed. In every one of my thoughts.

I knew it had been a risk to pursue her in the shower room, but I needed to know if I was the only one feeling the sexual tension that had—in hindsight—been building between us for the past two months.

My body felt languid and, even with her partly naked body pressed against mine, I felt satisfied.

I thought back to the way her body reacted to my touch. Her sounds when she came. I could’ve listen to her groans and ragged breathing all night long. I thought back to her words. Thought back to her assurance that not everyone would let me down. Had I purposely kept people away? Is that what I’d been doing? Had the last year taught me not to trust anyone?

Sabrina stirred.

I wasn’t ready for her to wake up yet. I liked watching her sleep. Liked feeling her on me. Liked having her there. She added light to the otherwise bleak existence I’d been living.

“Crosby,” she whispered.


“I’m glad I came.”

“So am I,” I said, ecstatic to hear those words. “Nothing like leaving a girl unsatisfied.”

She chuckled into my chest. “You know what I meant.”


“Will you tell me something?”

“I’m not a virgin?” I said.

She laughed. “You’re so stupid.”

I grinned and tightened my arms around her.

“Why do you let your teammates hurt you with no recourse?” she whispered.

My body tensed.

In the past when she questioned me about my teammates, it pissed me off. No one understood the anger and embarrassment their pranks elicited in me. I knew I looked like a pussy taking their shit. And I hated it. But now I realized, not only could Sabrina sense there was more to it, she actually cared. And that changed everything.