“I’ve been talking to someone in here. You know, to help me…adjust. She thinks you could benefit from talking to someone too. Someone to work through your anger.”
“You think I’m angry?”
She tilted her head. Instantly, I was transported to her standing in our kitchen, giving me the same look when she didn’t believe what I was telling her. “It would be alarming if you weren’t.”
I dragged my teeth over my bottom lip, unsure what to say. Of course, I was angry. I had a million reasons to be.
“My counselor looked into it for me,” she continued. “The campus has a counseling center. All you have to do is schedule an appointment.”
I didn’t know if I should’ve been angry she thought I had anger issues—yes, I see the irony there—or if I should’ve felt fortunate that even behind bars, she thought about me and wanted what was best for me. “I’ll think about it.”
She nodded. “Thank you. That’s all I wanted…I love you, Crosby.”
“I love you too.”
“Nice seats,” Finlay said as she glanced behind us at the arena filled with fans. “But why front row?” Her head twisted back around and her eyes cut to mine. “I thought you weren’t into Jeremy?”
I shrugged. “I told him I’d check out a game.”
“That the only reason?”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” I asked.
“Just saying there are other guys on the team besides Jeremy.”
I rolled my eyes.
“You heard what my mom said.”
I opened my mouth to stop her from going all Team Crosby on me, but the lights lowered and strobe lights and loud music filled the arena.
People stood as both hockey teams were introduced. The crowd erupted into applause and shouts as the players took to the ice, skating big wide circles around the rink with fierce speed.
I glanced behind me, realizing hockey fans were just as energetic as football fans when it came to cheering on their favorite players.
Once the lights switched back on, the teams took their sides of the ice and shot at their empty nets. Jeremy took a shot, turned, and skated by us. Catching sight of us, he circled back around and lifted his gloved hand as he passed by. I smiled as I sat back down in my seat.
“Not seeing gaga eyes,” Finlay said as she sat down beside me.
I kept my eyes on the ice. Jeremy passed the puck back and forth with one of his teammates as he moved closer to the empty net once again, burying the puck in the back of it with ease.
Finlay jumped to her feet and banged on the glass in front of us.
“What are you doing?” I asked.
She turned to me and winked.
On the ice, Crosby glanced to her, lifting his head in recognition, before his eyes cut to mine, narrowing on sight.
He did not just glare at me. I lifted my hand and flipped him off.
“Sabrina,” Finlay chided.
Crosby laughed. The asshole laughed again as he skated off.