Page 66 of For Crosby

I followed his lead, biting into mine but taking a much smaller bite to gauge if I liked it. The puffy taco shell added a dough-like texture to the outside, while the warm gooey inside set my taste buds on overdrive. I took another bite, this time getting more of the tasty goodness inside.

“Good, right?”

I nodded, chewing down the delicious food.

“I like having you here.”

My nose wrinkled. “In a Mexican restaurant?”

He snickered. “No. In my home state…It feels right.”

“You wanna stop by your old school so you can show me off?”

He grinned.

“Is that a yes or a no?”

“It’s a yes to wanting to show you off but no to going to my old campus.” His phone buzzed on the table, but he didn’t reach for it. He just lifted his glass and sipped his beer.

“Aren’t you gonna get it?”

“Who’s more important than you?” he asked.

“Wow. Get you started and the lines just keep on rolling.”

He laughed as he placed down his glass and grabbed his phone. Surprise washed over his features as he stared down at the screen.

“What is it?”

He held up his phone so I could read the text. A scout will be at our next home game to see you play.

“Is that from your coach?”

He nodded.

“That’s amazing.”

A smile inched across his face. “That’s fucking amazing.”

My head dropped back and I laughed. Like really laughed.

Whether he wanted to talk about his father or not, Crosby was going to be okay. This was his time, and he was going to crush it for that scout.



With the majority of campus still on winter recess, the bar wasn’t as packed as usual. Small groups of people milled around, but a few high-top tables were empty. I sat alone at one, my foot bouncing anxiously on the stool rung while I stared down at Finlay’s text. She and Caden would be there in five minutes.

The football team had just returned after winning their bowl game. Now they needed to prepare like crazy for their upcoming championship game in Georgia. But for the time being, I had my best friend back. At least, back on campus. I hadn’t seen her yet. She was unpacking her things at Caden’s since our dorm was still closed.

“Dance with me,” Crosby said against my ear, his minty breath sending chills up and down my arms.

I turned to find his blue eyes dancing playfully as he placed our drinks down on the table. “I’m having a strange case of déjà vu right now,” I said, stifling a smile.

I hopped down from my stool, and he guided me with his hands on my hips onto the dance floor. Beneath the dim lights, he slipped his arms around me and pulled me flush against his chest.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and we began moving to the slow song filtering into the bar.