Page 58 of For Crosby

I smiled, amazed by how safe I felt hearing his voice as I moved along the dark path. “What’d you expect? I couldn’t see you.”

“Then I certainly gave you an eye full.”

I laughed. “That’s an understatement.”

His laughter carried through the phone causing butterflies to dance in my belly.

“Do you know how hard it was to keep my eyes from staring at your package. I’d had a shitty night and was buzzed, so my resolve was pretty weak.”

He laughed again. “From here on out I give you full permission to stare all you want. Same goes for touching and tasting. Go crazy.”

“You’re such a guy.”

“Yup. Are you almost back to the dorm?”

I looked around. Getting lost in our conversation, I’d only made it a few buildings down from the psychology building where he worked. “Almost,” I lied.

“Thanks for coming to see me.” The thoughtfulness in his voice was still so strange for me given our rough start. It was like Crosby and Mr. Hockey were two totally different people. So different yet so alike.

I stopped mid-stride. I knew I’d never be able to sleep alone in Crosby’s room without him, especially now that I knew what awaited me upon his return.

“You there?” he asked.

“I’m here.” I turned back around and jogged toward the psychology building, with my heart racing in my chest. Sure, I usually talked a big game, but when the time came to throw caution to the wind, I thought twice about it. At least I usually did. Tonight, all bets were off. It only took a minute to reach the steps. I stopped at the bottom and stared at the glass door.

“Why do you sound out of breath?” Crosby asked.

I climbed the steps and stood in front of the door for the second time that night. I tapped on it.

“What the hell?” Crosby mumbled into the phone. I could hear his footsteps through the phone. And then he appeared in the door. A wide smile spread across his face once again. He unlocked the door and pushed it open. “Forget something?”

“I’m not gonna be able to wait.” I launched myself forward, wrapping my arms around his neck.

He stumbled back, my kiss silencing his surprise. He dropped his hands to my ass and picked me up. I wrapped my legs around his hips like earlier. But this was different. This was more frantic. More urgent. More…everything.

I wanted him and I wanted him right there.

And given the way his mouth moved in tandem with mine, it was happening right there. He walked us down the dark hallway, never releasing my lips. He was on a mission. And I was gladly along for the ride.

He turned into a dark room—a library. He walked us toward the sofa in the center of the room and lowered me onto it. He stood over me. “God, you’re so hot in my jersey.”

My chest rose and fell with each breath.

The room was dark, but I couldn’t miss the hunger in his eyes. “But I need to see you out of it.”

My lips kicked up in the corners. “There’s Mr. Hockey.”

He smirked as I pushed up onto my elbows and lifted his jersey over my head, leaving me in my lacy black bra. His breath hitched as he stared down at me. His eyes moved over my chest, the widening in his eyes the approval I didn’t realize I needed. He reached behind his neck and pulled his shirt over his head, tossing it to the floor.

I’d seen him shirtless before. But the way his jeans hung low on his hips with his boxers peeking out quickened my pulse.

His eyes stayed on mine as his fingers moved to the button on his jeans. He slipped it through the slot then pushed his jeans and boxers down his legs. “Nothing you haven’t seen before.”

My eyes lowered. He was right. I’d seen all of him before. But now I had the chance to take him all in. Every. Last. Inch.

He stepped toward me, the corded muscles in his thighs so pronounced. Hockey looked good on him. He bent over me and reached for the button on my jeans, slipping it through the slot and tugging my jeans down my legs and off with my sneakers. He gazed down at me sprawled out on the sofa in my lacy thong and matching bra. “Better than I imagined,” he said as he covered me with his body.

We’d been like this before, but my towel and his boxers separated us. This was intimate. This was raw. This was what we both needed.