Page 34 of For Crosby

But all I needed was a bar brawl to break out on my behalf. A long, frustrated whoosh left my lips before I swiveled to face Crosby.

A dark short-sleeved shirt clung to his ripped arms and chest, his tattoos there for the world to see. His backward hat covered his black hair but made his light blue eyes stand out in the dark bar. He looked good. Damn good.


The alcohol was clearly messing with my brain. “What do you want?”

A crooked smile pulled his lips up on one side. “Oh, there’re a lot of things I want. But here, I think dancing would be the only acceptable option.”

My eyes flared. “Sounds like more insinuations that I’m a slut who’d let you do dirty things to me.”

“Again, the word slut never left my lips. Nor did the word dirty—though I’d totally be up for it.”

I growled.

He leaned in closer, clearly not deterred by my growing annoyance with him. “I like when you purr.”

“That was a growl,” I snapped, hating that my exasperation was mixing with a slightly-buzzed attraction to him.


“Stop!” I said.

“Stop what?”

“This split personality thing. I can’t keep up with which Crosby I’m getting. Either you think I’m a bitch or you realize how freaking amazing I am. Either you think I’m a slut or you’ve figured out I’m a strong confident woman. You need to pick one.”

“I don’t need to do anything.”

My hands bunched into fists. “See? This is why I can’t deal with you.”

“Are you gonna dance with me or not?”


He snickered, seemingly amused. “Why not?”

“Because whether you hate me or like me, I hate you,” I assured him.

“Hate’s a strong word.”

“So are bitch and slut.”

“Never called you a slut and the only reason I called you a bitch is because you left me tied to a tree.”

“You didn’t appreciate my help.”

“Go dance with him,” Finlay called across the table.

What the hell? My wide eyes moved to hers. The traitor winked.

Crosby leaned closer. “Your friend can see you want me.”

“Dude, persistence is good,” Caden said. “But lose the arrogance. Sabrina’s not the type of girl to go for it.”

“Thank you, Caden.”

“And I wasn’t saying she wants you,” Finlay added. “I wanted her to have fun. Any chump would’ve done.”