Page 30 of For Crosby

“Well, he has a shitty way of going about it.”



I purposely entered class as the professor began to close the door so I wouldn’t have to talk to Jeremy. I slipped into my seat and dug into my bag, avoiding eye contact.

“Hey,” he whispered as the professor rattled off the directions for our test.

I didn’t look his way.

“You’re not talking to me now?”

I turned my head slowly and glared at him, before turning back to the front of the room where the professor distributed our tests.

“We need to talk,” Jeremy whispered.

I ignored him and focused on my test. Communications I could deal with. Communicating with him, I could not.

After an hour, I heard the rustling of students turning in their tests and leaving the classroom. Shit. I’d only answered forty of sixty questions. I plugged away at the remaining twenty and put every bit of effort I had left into those answers. Once our professor gave the half-hour warning, I glanced around the room. Only a few people remained. Thankfully, Jeremy wasn’t one of them.

With minutes to spare, I finished writing my final response. I gathered my bag and handed in my test with a mix of relief and confidence. Though it took me longer than most, it had been a lot easier than I expected. I stepped out of the classroom, eager to meet up with Finlay outside so we could grab some lunch.

“Hey,” Jeremy said, jumping to his feet from where he sat on the hallway floor.

I continued walking.

“Wait,” he called, catching up with me.


“I waited for you.”


He followed me down the stairwell to the exit. “Would you stop and talk to me?”

“Why? So you can come up with some lame excuse for why you played me.”

“Played you?”

When we reached the sidewalk in front of the building, I spun to face him. “How stupid do I look? I know you purposely sent me to Crosby’s room.”

He dug his hands into his pockets, not bothering to deny it.

“I’m not into games. So, whatever you two are playing, I want no part of it.”

“I like you, Sabrina.”

“I think you like making Crosby look stupid more.”

He said nothing.

I walked off, not giving him a second glance.

“Whoa,” Finlay said as she hurried over to me. “What was that about?”

I rolled my eyes. “He tried to explain.”