Page 73 of Restraint

They walked back into her bedroom, crawling into bed together, both grinning when Corky hopped up, claiming her own spot at the bottom.

Erika started to nestle into his arms, but he turned her away from him instead so he could wrap his arm around her waist, spooning her. He had a feeling this was going to be their favorite sleeping position.

He lifted his hand, cupping her breast, provoking a breathy laugh from her, but she didn’t seek to lower it or push it away. Quite the opposite as his shameless, sexy minx wiggled her ass, pressing it more firmly against him.

Blake was amused when he realized she’d fallen asleep within seconds, but it didn’t last long. He only had time to think about how perfectly they fit together before he joined her in dreamland.

* * *

Buzz. Buzz. Buzz.

Blake waved his hand toward the nightstand, trying to stop the buzzing. It was too fucking early for phone calls, especially considering the late night he and Erika had.

“Make it stop,” she muttered from beside him, her face buried in a pillow.

On the third wild swing, Blake’s hand connected with the nightstand. He dragged his fingers across the surface until he found the vibrating phone. Lifting it, he took one glance at the screen, then nudged Erika on the shoulder.

“It’s the hospital calling your cell,” he said.

She groaned, then took it from him just as the buzzing stopped.

“It’s five in the fucking morning,” he pointed out.

“I know. If they call back—” she started, just as the phone began to vibrate again, and this time she answered.

The hospital didn’t call her on her off-hours often, but when they were short-staffed and desperate, they had a tendency to ring her phone off the hook until she answered.

“Okay,” he heard her say to whoever had called. “I’ll be there as soon as I can.”

She disconnected the call, slowly sitting up and rubbing her face with her hands.

“You gotta go?” He blamed his stupid question on the fact it was too freaking early. Obviously, she was leaving.

Erika rose, walking to the bathroom to turn on the light. “Apparently it’s foggy out there. Big accident on 695, ten-car pileup. Lots of injuries. They’re transporting them now.”

“You only got four hours’ sleep,” he grumbled.

Blake covered his eyes for a moment, blinking a few times to adjust to the light shining in his face before forcing himself to move. Corky was still asleep at their feet, and even she seemed to understand it was basically still night because aside from opening her eyes, she didn’t stir or even bother to lift her head.

Erika peered through the door, looking surprisingly alert. “I’ll take a nap when I get home.”

Blake scrubbed his face, trying to wake himself. Then he threw his legs over the side of the mattress. Erika had grabbed some clothes from her dresser before heading to the bathroom, leaving the door open.

“You don’t have to get up,” she said. “Sleep a little longer.”

He shook his head. “No. I’ll make you some coffee in a travel mug. Then I need to get back to my place to pack anyway. Got a ten a.m. flight to Vegas.”

“Oh,” she said. “That’s right. You’re on the road for a few days.”

Blake had hoped they’d have time for a quickie, breakfast, and then a talk before he had to head out.

He really should have initiated the conversation last night. The one they still hadn’t had yet.

Not that he thought it was necessary. Erika had been all-in for their sexcapades, and there’d been no question after their shower that he was spending the night. They hadn’t needed to discuss anything because the last piece of the puzzle had finally snapped into place.

He’d been secretly pleased and relieved that Erika hadn’t needed to spell everything out between them. Perhaps she—like him—had finally realized they were perfect for each other.

If she hadn’t, there was no way she would have let things between them advance to the next level without a lot—and he meant A LOT—of talking.