Page 58 of Restraint

“What?” she asked, confused. “What plan?”

Doug crossed his arms. “You had the best of both worlds. Had me wining and dining you before coming home to fuck Mr. Hockey Stud.”

Erika narrowed her eyes. Fuck staying calm. “Wining and dining me? You realize I paid for half those dates.” She’d insisted they take turns because she didn’t subscribe to the old-fashioned idea that the man should pay. “I think you should leave. Now.” She raised her voice on the last word, but her anger didn’t appear to penetrate, as Doug’s was burning hotter.

“You think it was funny? Making me look like a fucking fool, acting like you were some sweet, innocent woman looking for true love when the truth is you’re nothing but a slut?”

“Get. Out!” she yelled.

“Fuck you!” Doug yelled back.

Erika could only assume it spoke to her blessed life that she never saw what was coming next.

Flames lit the side of her face as Doug backhanded her so hard, she stumbled and nearly fell. The only thing that stopped her was Doug himself. He grabbed her upper arms, holding her tight, shaking her violently.

“You fucking bitch!”

Erika struggled hard, trying to break free of his grip. “Let go! Let go!”

Her teeth rattled as he shook her harder—and she realized she was in big trouble.

Then she was shocked when suddenly, Doug released her. That surprise only lasted a split second when a blur flew past her. Erika blinked a few times, her mind trying to make sense of what she was seeing.

Blake had Doug by the throat, pinned against the far wall.

“What the fuck are you doing?” Blake’s dark tone was pure murder.

Doug snarled, even as he tried to pry Blake’s fingers off. “Fuck you!”

Blake didn’t relent. Instead, he used his iron-like grip to pull Doug away from the wall, dragging him toward the door.

Doug wasn’t fighting too hard, no doubt spying the exit. “Let me go, you prick!”

“If you ever come around here again, if you ever lay your hands on her again—” Blake seethed as he pushed Doug toward the door.

“You can have her,” Doug spat. “I’m not interested in a cock tease or a fucking slut!”

One second, Doug was standing; the next, he was on the floor, blood pouring from his nose as Blake hovered over him, fists clenched by his side.

Doug crab-crawled backward when it looked like Blake was going to pick him up and ring the bell on round two. As he cleared the doorway after crawling into the hall, Doug rose, his eyes darting over to the stairwell as he swiped the back of his hand under his nose, smearing the blood on his cheek.

“Get the fuck out of here!” Blake took two steps forward, his fist rising again when Doug didn’t leave immediately, but Erika moved faster, placing herself in front of him, her hands on his chest to hold him back.

“It’s over,” she said, hoping her words would penetrate. She’d never seen her mild-mannered best friend so angry. His gaze was still locked on Doug, and it was obvious Blake wasn’t finished yet.

Glancing over her shoulder, Erika realized she was close enough to kick the door closed with her foot. So she did, slamming it loudly.

The noise finally broke through the white-hot haze that seemed to surround Blake. His shoulders were still tight, but he unclenched fists and for the first time since entering her apartment, he looked at her.

And the anger returned tenfold.

“Did he hit you?” His finger gently tipped her chin up, the soft touch in direct counterpoint to the pure venom in his voice.

“I’m okay.”

“That wasn’t what I asked,” Blake said through gritted teeth.

“He’s gone. It’s over.”