Page 47 of My Summer Girl

Yeah, everything’s great.

“The creature caregiver is here, my queen,” Alessand announces, interrupting my inner monologue, and I turn to him. He’s standing tall, all regal in his job as protector. What I’d do to have Raevar here instead is what’s upsetting.

I nod at him and wave him off, knowing that this conversation with the caregiver better go well, because already, solstice isn’t going as planned.

There are so many things to attend to. The bonfire, the feast, the dance with the dyads, the dragon races, and the pollination if my offerings work properly.

I can’t fail this time.

“Sauren,” I greet with a wave after climbing down the staircases. She’s older now, but still a wise ass. On her shoulders sits the smallest dragon I’ve ever seen. It’s a vibrant yellow, almost like all the color was drained from our solenas and put into the skin of this creature.

Its eyes are mostly black, with amber rings that seem to flare when our gazes meet. The sudden urge to pet it, cherish it, and give it anything it needs pulls me closer.

“This is Tiny. She’s a lighter.”

“She’s beautiful,” I let out, coming closer with every inhale. My feet don’t stop, even as it recognizes the danger of being close to a creature that doesn’t know me. My thorns even tingle, twitching around me like they’re attempting to guard me.

If she were to defend herself from my nearness, I couldn’t exactly fault her.

“She’s capable of really strong bonds and communication through mind bonds.”

Tremors of excitement titillate my senses as I reach forward once more. This time it’s very gently, allowing the dragon her own choices. She moves toward me, jumping right across from Sauren to my shoulders. Warmth invades my skin, a bunch of prickling little zings touching with every movement.

Emotions flit through me, like a new vine that’s magical in material instead of corporeal. She’s learning me. My thorns recognize her as a guest, someone who won’t do harm and slowly move to accommodate her small body.

She snuggles against my shoulders and neck, putting images in my mind of her flying freely in the sky, enjoying the kingdom. Her lemongrass scent invades my nose, bringing me a type of calm I haven’t felt in so long. dragons and I get along just fine, but not once has one taken a liking to my soul.

“Unfortunately, the dragons for the races aren’t able to make it in time,” Sauren explains, lessening the blow with the dragon on my shoulders. She comforts me with images of relaxation, even though it’s the last thing on my mind.

First, I send my friend away to find me love, and then he disappears, not showing up in a timely manner. Next, he steals someone else’s mate and decides that it’s okay to do so. Doesn’t even do a single check-in that’s more than an nudged bond apology.

As soon as the thoughts overwhelm me, the vines from the ground wrap around my ankles, slithering up my legs.

“Is the queen okay?” Sauren shouts. Vael and Alessand rush to me as if I’m in danger. If Raevar were here, he’d know it’s just Solera communicating changes in the realm.

She’s here.

“Who’s here?” I reach out with my bonds to the ground, seeking answers.