Page 147 of My Summer Girl

“Finish those words, little dove. I dare you,” they threaten, sauntering towards us. I grumble and pout, but they lay a kiss on my forehead and then tilt my chin. “I’ve been a little lax.”

“Don’t know what you’re talking about,” I hum, turning around to grab some water for myself.

“The summer is nearing its end,” Vex states. It’s stiff. I’ve been avoiding this conversation. Because what else do I need to do? I saw my siblings. Do I really need to go back?


Shut up, brain.

You asked...

Shaking the annoying thoughts pushing through my mind, I let out a sigh. “It is.”

“What will you do?” Ver asks. Her voice is so small. Twisting so I can see the faces of the three people I’ve fallen for without question, my stomach churns at their forlorn expressions.

“She’ll stay here, of course,” Raev answers, his lips pinched. When he strays a look at Vex, he realizes that staying here without closure isn’t an option.

Before I can make any decisions and reassure my mates, Alessand comes barreling through the door. His normally chill expression and composure is shot. Eyes massive and dilated, along with a heavy chest, is all that meets me. Immediately, Raev is on the defensive, and Vex isn’t too far behind.

“Alessand,” Vera says. “We do not burst into any room. Especially not one where my mate is disrobed.”

He hasn’t glanced at me, my body shielded by them all, but it doesn’t stop the fact that he barged in without a single warning.

“There’s no time,” he rushes out, pulling on his hair. “Pollination. It’s here.”

Ver peers down at her arms. The flowers are fully bloomed, the ones on her thorns and crown wide and bright yellow.

“Fuck, this can’t be happening,” Vera hisses. Alessand is smart enough to turn away at the expression she shares with us.


It’s tangible, real. It’s something she’s fought for so long and now that she’s accepted us all as her mates, her body is ready.

Ready for a baby.

Ready for us.

“Go, Alessand. We’ll be in the fields shortly.”

“They—” Alessand pauses and briefly twists to look at us. “They’ve already started. Apparently as the sun rose, the blooms exploded. There’s pollen spores everywhere.”

“That’s not how this is supposed to go.” Ver sighs, her face filled with disappointment. “It’s okay. It’s the first one in ages. Let them have at it.”

Alessand nods and rushes off. To find his partner or someone to lose himself with, I’m unsure. Either way, his panicked running would make me laugh if the room didn’t feel so stifled with tension.

“We need to go out there,” she mumbles, her words so quiet.

“Are you ready for that?” Raev asks, his eyes darkening. “They can’t force you. You’re the queen.”

“Which is why it’s in the laws. We are required to be there.”

“How does this go?” I ask, thinking of what Solera showed me.

“Basically an orgy, if what Dottie told me is accurate,” Vex says, their expression filled with both concern and excitement.

Ver eyes them, then nods. “Yeah, the fields in which the solenas grow is where everyone goes to fuck.”

“It’s a fertile event. It’s meant to bring life, new beginnings, and pleasure. A lot of pleasure,” Raev explains.