“Let’s port-path them in,” I offer, reminding Raev that he has them for every main room.
“Think they’ll want Vera’s room or ours?”
I love the way he says ours.
Chapter Fifty-Eight
Let The World Burn – Chris Grey
“I’m fine. He’s being dramatic.”
I wake to an exasperated Vera, her arms folded over her chest while she sits on the lounger. Standing above her with a glass of water is Vex. They’re holding it out to her and she’s acting like she’s being burdened with it.
Raev sits next to her with a stern expression, almost like he’s been telling Vex how Vera never drinks water.
That’s something a Dom just doesn’t let slide. Dehydration.
“Even beings connected to gods need water, Verano,” they chastise, their eyebrow up. Oh, so I’m not the only brat here. “No, you’re not,” Vex teases, turning their gaze to me. “You need to drink water too.”
“Yes, Sir,” I say with a mock salute. I’m enjoying not being the only one forced to choke down the flavorless sustenance that’s meant for plants and not Cupids. I’m more of a margarita girlie, or even an anything-but-water type of monster.
“Later, your arse is mine,” they threaten, narrowing their eyes on me.
“Isn’t it always... Sir?” I taunt, and then saunter to the sink in all my naked glory. Today feels different, lighter. Almost like with the air clear between us all, we’re free.
The feeling of the hit stings far before the sound and reality clicks that my ass has been slapped. I let out a shrill sound and turn to see Vex and Raev standing where they were and Vera’s hand on my right cheek.
“You did not,” I hiss, but the humor is there.
She waggles her eyebrows. “Vex gave me the go ahead, and is teaching me their ways of brat taming.”
“Brat taming, my—”