Shivering at the contact, my lips twitch with humor. He doesn’t realize this is nothing compared to how Dulce’s siblings are and when he meets them, he’s going to be like, “My abuelita isn’t even bad.”
“She loves you, and I love that she does.”
His face softens as he peers at me and then they roam down to my mouth. Something warm stirs in my chest. Not arousal, no, but a tingling similar to charm.
“Go ahead, poppet. Take your fill.”
His eyes sparkle with mischief like he’s about to risk it all to kiss me, but when Rosa smacks him on his arse with a wooden spoon, he squawks, rubbing the spot.
“¡Ay!” he shouts, frowning at her.
“There will be no kissing in front of me,” she teases, but there’s a lot of joy in her brown eyes.
“You didn’t have to hit me,” he grumbles, saying something under his breath.
“What was that?”
“Nothing,” he hurries to reply, backing up a few steps. “I’ll clean the dishes.” It takes everything in me not to chuckle at the exchange, especially when Rosa waves her wooden spoon at him.
“That’s right.”
Chapter Forty-Seven
Sun and Moon – Anees
I’m unsure what to do. Ver holds onto me as if someone will walk through that door and kidnap me. The likelihood of that happening twice in my lifetime is slim to none.
“Dulce,” she nearly wails, her eyes little black pools of liquid, the green and whites of her eyes completely gone.
She seems overtaken by something and through the bond with Vex, all that pushes back is possession.
Peering over her form, she doesn’t look different... yet when I take a closer look, the vines that have always covered her body have little flower buds sprouting. They’re nearly yellow, and new. I’ve never seen flowers on her prior to this moment, just the vines and thorns. The urge to touch the folded-in petals is hard to fight against.
They seem so fragile, needing care and protection. Once Ver’s mind clears, I’ll have to ask her about them.