Page 43 of My Summer Girl

One that would never betray me.

One that’ll hate me for fucking his sister-in-law but will also want to help me because he cares for Dulce.


I’m unable to speak and bring a voice to the emotions flooding through me. Words evade me but my eyes meet familiar ones.

“What’s happening, Vex?” Pyro asks, sobering me up. The rage within me isn’t tempered but rather currently distracted. The familiarity he offers is necessary to ground me.

“D-Dulce,” I stammer, letting the shock hit me. Who would take her? Where would they go?

Alarm has his shoulders stiffening. He walks up to me, placing his palms on my shoulders. “You need to tell me what happened.”

“She disappeared. We were about to do a scene,” I rasp, knowing he won’t approve, but at least he isn’t Val. His eyes narrow at me, nearly slits, yet he doesn’t comment. Waiting on me to continue. “Then she disappeared through a port-path.”

“Who took her?” His shoulders are tight, bunched. His wings mirror them. It’s enough to tell me he’s pissed and concerned simultaneously.

“I don’t know, but I’ll fucking kill them for taking her from me.” The vow comes from deep within, but I mean every word. Who dares take what’s mine? She is mine. Mine to protect, to dote on, to cherish, and to possess.

He closes his eyes and exhales, concern lacing his heavy sigh. “I’m going to need you to focus, Vex. What happened recently with her? Did she change her pattern? Was there a pact she might’ve made and owed someone money?”

A scoff rises in my throat, dying soon after.

“No?” I rush to say, but I don’t actually know. We’ve been on cloud nine since we bonded, and we’ve been inseparable. Except for their wedding. We pretended like we weren’t even friends. Then reality hits me. I note his night clothes. Low-slung linen trousers, and an undershirt that doesn’t cover his shoulders.

“Wait, you’re supposed to be on your honeymoon.”

He nods stiffly. “I know, but Nyxie called and said you were destroying the Viewing Room. It’s unlike you to be so angry, let alone to freak out irrationally. Couldn’t risk not figuring out what’s wrong. You’re the most level-headed monster I know.”

“I don’t know what to do. She’s gone.”

“We’ll find her. Let’s ask your patrons if they noticed anything.” He gestures to the now empty room, knowing that it wouldn’t take much for me to call them back here. Maybe I need to test their blood. Blood can tell you everything about a person when you’re a Saephyn like me. Your fears, your past, even the secrets you think you can keep. We’re connected spiritually to everyone’s mind once their blood passes our tongues.

When I don’t respond, he continues. “Let’s interrogate them.”

“This place is sealed,” I barely argue, thinking of the wards we have—and again, how I haven’t checked them in days. Not since our bond. It’s like I’ve been so far up my own arse that I haven’t been able to avoid my stupidity.


It’s one word but it feels as if it has been choked from me. Reality rains down, splattering me with the obvious.


“I haven’t checked the wards. Whoever took her used a port-path.”

“Those aren’t common anymore,” he comments, crossing his massive navy arms. “Though I know my brother Cinder has a connection to an Orukna who gives him them.”

I shake my head, not caring about his brother or the other bloke mentioned, or anything outside of the answers I seek. “It’s not easy to find people who make them, and they’re tied to magic.”

“Okay, then maybe you should be looking for someone who would know how to trace it.”

I nod, thinking of my Orukna connection. He and I haven’t spoken in centuries, not since he created all the ones for my place. And even then, he doesn’t come here anymore. Not since his realm was plagued with the sickness. Their numbers dwindled after that, and he’s kept to his own realm for safety and to raise the next generations to come.

“Orukna originate from Solera,” I recall, walking toward my hutch. It’s filled to the brim with wine and whisky. Right now, the latter is probably best for this moment.

Pyro follows me, as if he’s my shadow, and it irritates me. Can’t he magically find her?

“I’ll see if I can get in contact with their queen.”