Page 4 of His to Hold

There’s only one way to find out what’s going through Antonio’s mind. Taking a quick drink of water and a large bite of the gooey cookie that tastes incredible, I get up and go to the door. I half expect to find it locked, but it isn’t. There’s no guard in the corridor either. As I walk along the passageway and downstairs into the grand entrance hall, I don’t encounter any of Antonio’s men. I feel freer than I have in a long time. For the past year, I’ve had someone dogging my steps whenever I left the sanctuary of my bedroom. A simple walk on the beach became a military operation. This feels, well, nice, until the thought occurs to me it might be a test. If I walk out the front door, will someone drag me back inside and lock me in a cell in the basement? I know there is one. I’ve been held in it before.

It’s better not to risk it. Running from Antonio is not an option. I turn left and walk along the corridor toward the study. The hardwood floor is cold beneath my feet. When I get to the room where Antonio conducts business, I hear someone speaking. The deep, masculine voice is achingly familiar. The tug at my heart tells me I missed Antonio more than I realized. I listen for a moment and conclude he’s the only one speaking. He must be making a phone call.

Indecision grips me. If he’s busy, interrupting him might not be the best idea. Antonio has always been intensely focused on his work. I don’t want to anger him. Looking back along the corridor, I consider whether I should return to the bedroom and wait for him to come to me. No, I’m done with being at the mercy of his whims. I need to be brave and deal with him.

Gathering my courage, I knock on the door. A moment later, it opens and I swear my heart stops beating. Antonio’s impressive frame fills the doorway. He isn’t wearing a jacket and tie for once. The top button of his shirt is open and the sleeves are rolled up to reveal his tanned forearms. His dark brown hair is immaculately styled. With his cellphone pressed to his ear, he looks pissed at my intrusion.

“I’ll talk to you later,” he tells whoever he was speaking to before ending the call.

He looks me up and down, his cool blue eyes raking over my bare legs. “Isabella.”

The way he drags my name over his tongue sends a delicious shiver down my spine.

“Antonio,” I acknowledge him in return. “Am I disturbing you?”

For several long seconds, he doesn’t answer. He just stares at me, an inscrutable expression on his face. “Yes, Isabella, you are.”

Nodding, I turn to leave. A firm hand on my arm stops me. I look down to where Antonio’s touch sears my skin.

“Come into my office. We need to talk.”

He releases my arm and moves back into the room, leaving me to follow. He goes to sit behind the large wooden desk. As I take the seat opposite, Antonio places his cellphone in the desk drawer and locks it. He’s always been paranoid about someone tampering with his phone.

It’s hard not to think back to the last time I was here, facing Antonio’s four brothers as they informed me I was to be sent away. Only Matteo, who I’ve known since elementary school, tried to calm my fears with his sympathetic glances. The others would have happily strangled me on the spot, even Gio, who’s so sweet it’s hard to believe he’s part of the mafia.

“You’ve made a hell of a mess, Isabella.” Antonio’s admonishment drags me back to the present.

“I know, but…”

He holds up a hand to silence me. Will he not even listen to my version of events? Disappointed, I snap my mouth shut.

“You don’t have to say a word. I know Rico threatened you, put his hands on you. I watched the video.”

Hope sweeps through me at the note of regret in his voice. Perhaps he won’t punish me for killing Rico. Then I realize what he said and frown.

“What video?”

“You didn’t think I left you there without surveillance?”

My entire body bristles with indignation. It was bad enough having guards making sure I didn’t go anywhere or see anyone without Antonio’s approval. Now I find out I was being monitored by cameras as well.

“You’ve been watching me?” I knew there were cameras placed discreetly at the front and back doors, but I didn’t realize there were any inside the house.

“Not me personally.” Antonio’s tone is tinged with disdain. Of course, he wouldn’t waste his own time spying on me.

“Then who?”

“Leo and his guys.”

I’m not sure how I feel about that. It’s such a violation of my privacy and I hate the thought of a cocky asshole like Leonardo Volante judging my every move. He’s always been my least favorite of the brothers, although I have to admit he was kind to me when he found me with Rico’s body.

“So, where was your surveillance when that creep was following me around, making lewd suggestions?” I demand. “Is it true you told Rico he could do whatever he liked to me?”

Antonio stiffens, his shoulders pulling back. “I gave him strict instructions to treat you with respect.”

I believe him. You can’t fake the outrage I hear in his voice.

Antonio scowls at me. “You seriously think I gave him free rein to do whatever he wanted to you?”