Page 60 of His to Hold

“Thank fuck you’re okay!”

I untangle myself from his embrace. “Why wouldn’t I be?”

“You weren’t answering your phone. I thought something happened to you.”

“I was in the shower.” It’s stating the obvious since I’m wearing nothing but a towel and my hair is dripping wet. “What the fuck is going on?”

“Isabella’s missing.”

His words hit me with the force of a wrecking ball at full swing. I actually stumble backward. “What?”

“Dante was ambushed after he got off the expressway. Our guys in Connecticut found him injured and got him to the doc. Isabella wasn’t in the car. Someone took her.”

“She could have banged her head, wandered off.”

Leo shakes his head. “Dante called me to say they were being followed.”

“Fuck! Do we know who took her?”

“There are a few possibilities, but I just heard Rico Mancini’s body was found this morning. The family was notified three hours before Isabella was taken.”

Could the Mancinis have snatched Isabella? While they’re not the only suspects, they are the most likely. Since we made an alliance with the Bratva, the Albanians have kept out of our way. The Irish do a lot of business with us and we’ve only ever had minor issues with them that were easily resolved. That leaves the Bianchis, who’re currently too busy with their own internal struggles to mess with us. Vinnie’s father sent his only legitimate son to Chicago to marry a mob boss’s niece. He did so with the full knowledge Daniele would be murdered as he stood at the altar. Our people warned Daniele of the plot. He escaped with his new bride and her kids and returned to New York, guns blazing.

“It’s got to be Paolo Mancini.”

Fuck! I should have dealt with him as soon as Piotr Reznov told me he was making accusations about Isabella, but I got caught up in personal shit. This is all my fault. I didn’t see Paolo Mancini as a big enough threat to do something about him. Then I sent her away with Dante and no escort. Blinded by emotion, I didn’t consider the risks.

Leo nods. “His family was always loyal, but he was never the most proactive of men. I can’t believe he’d be so bold.”

“Grief is a powerful force.” I know if a member of my family was killed, I wouldn’t rest until every single person responsible was dead. “Where would Mancini take her?”

“Fuck if I know.”

As someone comes in through the front door, I stiffen.

“It’s Piotr,” Leo says.

I lean over the railing at the top of the staircase and see the Russian, dressed all in black, standing in my entrance hall.

“What the fuck is Reznov doing here?”

“He was at the hospital with his uncle when I got the call that Dante’s car was found. We left Boris, Matteo, and Sandro with the women. Piotr offered to help.”

I might not want to owe the Russian another favor but his assistance is welcome. Piotr employs some of the best hackers in the country and he’s got no emotional investment in getting Isabella back unharmed. He’ll be able to keep a cooler head than me.

“You should go back to the hospital. Keep watch over your wife.”

“Vinnie’s safe where she is. I need to be with you, where I belong.”

Since he got married, Leo’s been focused on his new bride. I understood his need to take some time to settle into his marriage, but I’ve missed having him with me.

I slap a hand down on my younger brother’s shoulder and squeeze tight, hoping the gesture conveys the love and trust I have for him. As the moment gets awkward, Leo clears his throat. “Go get dressed. Cousin Pete and I will set up in the study.”

I arch an eyebrow. “Cousin Pete.”

“Sure, when his uncle marries Mamma.”

Fuck, I do not want to think about that right now. I shake my head and tut disapprovingly, but I appreciate Leo’s effort to keep the mood light. He knows as well as I do that sliding into despair is counterproductive. I need to believe wholeheartedly that Isabella will be okay. Though I feel as if the ground beneath my feet is shaky, I need to get on with things. Business as usual. I’ll bet that’s why Leo accepted Reznov’s offer of assistance. He knows I won’t show weakness in front of the Russian. His presence will help keep my head in the game.