Page 59 of His to Hold

“Nice car,” I say as I fasten my safety belt. “Trying to compensate for your inadequacies?”

Dante’s lip curls into a snarl. “I don’t want to spend two hours in a car with you any more than you want to breathe the same air as me, so cut the snark.”

Huffing, I make myself comfortable as Dante drives us off the property. He turns on the radio to some station playing hardcore dance music, and I stare out of the window as we make our way through the streets of Manhattan. My mind replays what happened with Antonio and I think up a dozen different ways that could have gone better.

Suddenly, Dante turns off the music. “For what it’s worth, I think he’s making a mistake. He’s better with you by his side.”

Coming from Dante, who’s never been my biggest fan, that does mean something, but I’m not about to get into a heart-to-heart with him about my feelings, so I say nothing. I close my eyes and let the motion of the car rock me to sleep. A while later, a voice wakes me with a start.

“Call Tony.”

I’m about to tell Dante I don’t want to speak to my husband when I realize he’s talking to his cellphone and not me. When the call goes unanswered, Dante curses. I furrow my brow, wondering what’s going on as he issues another command. “Call Leo.”

The urgency in his voice worries me. “What’s going on?”

“Be quiet!” he snaps as Leo answers the call.

“What the fuck, Dante!” Leo sounds pissed, obviously thinking that order was for him.

“Not you,” Dante says. “I’m driving Isabella to Westport. We’ve got a black Range Rover on our tail.”

I look over my shoulder. We’re not in the city anymore, or even on the expressway. I think we’re on the outskirts of Westport.

“Fuck! Where are you?”

“We got off the expressway five minutes ago.”

“And Tony?”

“At his house. He’s not picking up.”

Leo lets out a string of curses. “I’ll handle it. Keep Isabella safe. We’re coming for you.”

I don’t have the chance to feel any sense of relief. As Dante ends the call, there’s a deafening bang as something hits the rear of the car. I scream as we spin out of control. Dante slumps over the steering wheel. There’s a nasty gash on the side of his head. Shit. I’m on my own. I look for a weapon, but it’s too late. My door is wrenched open and a masked man leans in to grab my arm. The last thing that goes through my head is that I didn’t get the chance to tell Antonio I love him. Then I’m dragged out of the car.

“Rico Mancini’s body was found dumped in an alley this morning,” my captor hisses, “and you, you little bitch, are going to tell us who killed him.”



No matter how much shower gel I lather over my skin, I won’t be able to wash away the disgust I feel at myself for the way I treated Isabella tonight. She’s my wife, the woman I intend to raise a family with, not some whore I picked up in a seedy club. Fucking her so selfishly and then sending her away was a dick move. I was angry and acted without thinking, but that’s no excuse.

Really, I should have thanked Isabella for trying to protect my sister, for putting Olivia’s needs above her own. That she went about things in the wrong way doesn’t matter. Her intentions were good. They always are. I’ve never appreciated my wife enough, but that changes now.

When I get out of the shower, I wrap a fluffy gray towel around my waist and go to the bedroom. Isabella should be at Westport by now. Though I could call Dante and ask him to bring her back, I decide to go out there and get her myself. Hopefully, she’ll appreciate the gesture and hear me out as I grovel in apology.

As I cross the bedroom to the closet, my cellphone buzzes on the nightstand. I go to pick it up and discover I have dozens of missed calls. One is from Dante, who was probably calling to bitch about something my wife has done to piss him off. The others are from Leo. That can’t be good. The last time he tried this hard to get ahold of me, it was because Gio had been shot. Though I’m not a religious man, I send up a silent prayer that my brother is okay. He seemed to be doing well earlier, but until he’s back on his feet, I won’t be able to stop worrying.

I’m about to call Leo back when I hear a door downstairs banging shut. It’s not likely anyone could get past my security, but I’m not expecting a guest, so I grab my gun just in case. As I step out into the corridor, I hear a shout from the entrance hall.

“Tony! Tony, where the fuck are you?”

It’s Leo.

“Up here.” I get to the top of the stairs to find my brother storming up them two at a time.

When he reaches me, he pulls me into a hug and slaps my back. I have no idea what’s got into him.