Page 17 of His to Hold

It’s always annoyed me that neither Antonio nor Leo calls their only sister by the pet name the rest of the family uses for her. It’s like they want to keep their distance.

“Cut her some slack. She’s young.”

Antonio snorts derisively. “She’s old enough to settle down.”

My heart sinks as I realize what he’s saying. “You’re going to arrange a marriage for her?”

“It’s time.”

That pisses me off. Livvy isn’t even twenty yet. I set down my cutlery. “You can’t do that, Antonio. Look how badly it worked out for…” I resist saying us because I don’t want to open the door to that discussion yet. “Giulia.”

“If you’re talking about Giulia Costanza, that worked out well for her. I believe she inherited a small fortune when Johnny died.”

“You think money makes up for what she went through?”

Giulia was forced to marry a man older than her father. Johnny Lombardi was a short, balding pig who used his money to buy one of the sweetest women on the planet. God alone knows what horrors she suffered on her wedding night. I wish I’d been there to comfort her, but I’d already been exiled by then.

“I think she came out of it pretty well and I’ve ordered her father to let her enjoy her freedom.”

My eyebrows shoot upward. I did not expect that. “You have?”

“Yes, Isabella, I have. Contrary to what you might think, I’m not a totally heartless bastard. I won’t let the Costanzas force another unsuitable alliance on her, and I won’t marry my sister off to anyone who isn’t worthy of her.”

“But still…”

Antonio slams a hand down on the countertop, making me jump. “I will do what’s best for my family. You will keep your opinions to yourself. Is that clear?”

Tears sting my eyes. It’s not just the chastising tone in my husband’s voice, but the fact he’s suggesting his family has nothing to do with me. No matter what he may think, the Volantes are important to me.

“Is that clear?” he demands.

“Yes, Antonio.”

Wounded, I give my full attention to my dinner. The food doesn’t taste as good anymore, but I force myself to eat every bite, so Antonio has no further reason to find fault with me. I polish off the stew with unseemly haste, finishing at the same time as Antonio.

“Would you like some dessert?” I ask, though I’m not sure if Janetta prepared any. There’s usually gelato in the freezer, if nothing else. “Coffee?”

“No, Isabella.” Antonio sounds weary rather than irritated. “I want some peace and quiet.”

Taking the hint, I get up, grab my plate and reach for Antonio’s, intending to clear everything away.

“Leave it,” Antonio barks. “Janetta can deal with it in the morning.”

We didn’t have a housekeeper when I was growing up, so I’m used to cleaning up my own mess.

“It’s fine. I can just…”

“Leave it, Isabella. Go to bed.”

His tone is firm, but I still hesitate.


“Now, Isabella,” he growls, “before I take you over my knee.”

Though I’m tempted to challenge him to do it, I hold my tongue. Being draped over Antonio’s knee while he spanks me would open up a range of emotions I can’t deal with right now. So I do the only thing I can. I set my plate back down on the countertop, turn and flee.