How do you know about Aspen?
I know everything because I actually take the time to talk to my daughter. Next time, follow the parenting plan and bring me my daughter.
Also, sign the papers. I’m never coming back to you.
Go fuck yourself, Eleanor.
Why would I do that when my neighbor does it so much better?
Chapter 24
Ihaven’t been able to wipe the goofy grin off my face ever since Ellie’s birthday a couple of weeks ago. The fact that I got to witness an entire afternoon of her smiling and laughing made my day.
Hell, it made my year.
The cherry on top was definitely her finally succumbing to what we’ve been fighting for months. There’s something between us, and it’s been so fucking obvious I almost don’t understand how we’ve fought it for so long.
But spending all night buried inside her was exactly how I’d want to spend my birthday, so I can only hope that she enjoyed it.
Ever since her birthday, things between us have been different. On the days that she has Addy, I sneak in for a bit after she goes to bed. We usually sit out on the patio, talking and kissing, but that’s about where it stops. When Addy goes back to her dad’s, though? That’s a different story.
As soon as I’d get home from practice, she’d be at my door. We would tear each other’s clothes off on the way to my room, usually stopping in the living room for round one.
It’s different, but it’s us.
Spontaneity has never been my strong suit, but I think that comes from the fact that I’ve struggled to find a partner well suited to me.
But Ellie is so perfect for me it’s not even funny, which is why I’m missing her today while she’s out with the girls, having lunch and getting their nails done. As soon as Ellie and Natalie met Sawyer, Gwen, and Cassie, they’ve been stuck together whenever free.
It’s cute, but I definitely wish I had her all to myself… all the time.
Since I couldn’t steal her today, I met up with Cade and Miles for lunch after a run through the city. Which was basically just them spending the entire time ragging on me for “how many rainbows and unicorns were shooting from my asshole,” as Cade so eloquently put it. I can’t help that I’m actually happy for once.
It’s been a while since I’ve been okay with things in my life being so uncertain, but for once, I don’t feel depressed and lost. I may not know what my plan is after hockey or even where to start to figure that out, but I do know that I want it to include her.
Both of them.
But now I know they’re home, and it’s taking all my energy not to go over there just to say hi, but I don’t want Addy to start asking questions about our relationship until Ellie decides she’s ready to talk to her about it.
Needing to do something, I start cleaning my apartment, grabbing the pile of recycling that’s built up, and deciding it’s finally time to walk it down the hall. When I open the door, though, I’m surprised when I’m greeted by Ellie and Addy, their arms up, ready to knock.
“Hi, girls.” I beam, excited to see them, even if it is unexpected.
“Hi. I need a favor,” Ellie says, biting her lip as her pointer finger plays with her thumb nail. It’s a nervous tick I’ve noticed she does when she’s really stressed out about something, but for the life of me, I can’t figure out why she’d look like that with me.
“Of course. What is it?”
“Any chance you could hang out with Addy for a bit? Usually, Natalie would come watch her in the evenings, but she’s on a date tonight. I could call her, I guess…”
“I don’t mind at all. Is everything okay?” I ask.
“Betty called. Her husband isn’t feeling very well; he started to get dizzy, and she wanted to get home to take him to the doctor. There’s a small show at the studio tonight, so someone needs to be there. Unless I can be there, she won’t be able to take him. I’m just worried and want to help her, but if you’re busy or are going out or whatever it is you’re doing on a night off, don’t worry about it.”
It isn’t until I hold my hand up to stop her that I feel like she finally takes a breath. I thought she was going to pass out if she kept talking like that, all rambling and stressed out. It’s still one of my least favorite things about Ellie. I hate that she feels the need to over-explain herself and always give people an out when she’s asking for help.