After making enough spaghetti and meatballs for everybody and then some, we ate until we couldn’t breathe. We then busied ourselves listening to music and playing cards, and trying not to think about what was happening with our men. I resisted the urge to assume the worst. If my father and Chains hadn’t survived, I would be a total wreck.
Here we were again, hiding in the same spot by the trees, as I, Angel, Ink, and Knox had been a few days ago since rescuing Zoe. We’d rolled out as a group, leaving behind a few prospects to watch over our women. It was the hardest thing I’d had to do, leave Zoe and come here, but I had promised her I would bring back her father. And that’s what we were going to do.
We just needed to get past the assholes still in the warehouse.
I thought for sure they would all disappear once they realized we had their ringleader. But I guess these guys weren’t the sharpest tools in the toolbox. I brought my trusty sniper rifle with me, and we agreed I would stay outside while the rest of my brothers went in. If there were any stragglers that got away, I could pick them off if they came outside.
I wanted to be amid all the action, but I reluctantly conceded that what we agreed to would be the best call. Didn’t mean I liked it.
Once everyone agreed, and we were all given our roles, Kick, Tiny, Riggs, Ink, and Angel all moved as one towards the entry to the warehouse. I forced all thoughts of Zoe and the way I had left her earlier sleeping in our bed out of my mind; she needed the rest, and I was hoping we’d get back with Max before she had time to notice we were gone.
Concentrating on what needed to be done right now. I really hope we weren't too late, because when Kon had shown us that video, Max looked like he'd been through the wringer. I don't know how much more he can handle, and we needed to get him outta there ASAP.
I trained my rifle at the entrance of the warehouse, my finger steady on the trigger as I saw movement. Peering through the sight, it was clear they weren't my brothers, but a couple of Caleb's men trying to slip away, thinking they'd made an escape.
I couldn’t help but smile at their stupidity, and in a few seconds flat, all three were laying in a heap with a bullet each between the eyes. I could hear gunfire coming from inside the abandoned warehouse, and it was all I could do not to run in there and help my brothers, but I held steady, and moments later, Kick and the rest of the brothers appeared; looking relaxed. I slowly lowered my weapon, as they dragged a worse for wear Max with them.
He looked like a rag doll, and I hoped, for Zoe’s sake, that he was alive. I made my presence known, walking out from the cover of the trees, and went to help with bundling Max in the back of the cage.
A movement caught my eye, and I quickly readied my rifle, taking the shot as two men appeared from the warehouse, only just preparing to shoot at us. A silent thank you passes between the brothers and I. I give a nod and a small smile as we all get into the cage, and head straight for the hospital.
Telling the hospital staff that we found Max on the side of the road was a risky move, but we weren’t about to tell them who the actual culprit of Max’s condition really was, since we had him strung up in our basement. And I, for one, was ready to get back there to settle the score with the asshole.
Once we arrived at the hospital in Cullville, things went relatively quickly, though there was no mistaking the wary looks we received from the hospital staff. Luck was on our side: the same doctor was there when Storm OD’d.
Ky was working all angles so that the sexy doc won’t go to the police to report it. I wasn’t as sure as he was that his little plan would work, but we would just have to wait and see.
I sat in the uncomfortable plastic chair in the waiting room and retrieved my phone from the pocket of my cut, seeing several missed calls from Zoe, which made me smile.
Dialing her number, I waited for her to pick up.
“Bodie?” She answers breathily, music playing in the background. And there went my cock, pressing painfully against the zipper of my jeans just at the sound of her voice. And that she called me by my real name.
“Hey, baby. How’s my girl?” I try to keep the tone of my voice even, because I knew what I was about to tell her would devastate her.
“Everything’s good. The girls and I were playing cards. We made spaghetti and meatballs, there’s plenty left over for you guys.”
“The only thing I’m planning to eat when I get home is you,” I tell her, and smile when she clears her throat, and I imagine her squeezing her legs together to assuage the ache in her pussy.
I smirk when she changes the subject.
“Did you find my dad? How is he?” The pain and desperation in her voice was hard to hear.
“Yeah, baby, we did. He’s at the hospital. Do you wanna round up the others and come here? He’s not conscious as yet, but maybe the doctor will let you see him?”
I’ll make sure of it. I add to myself.
I can hear sniffling down the line, and I know she’s crying.
“Get the others together, and come down here as quick as you can, okay, little one? I’ll be here waiting for you.” I tell her, trying to give her my no-nonsense voice and injecting some reassurance into it as well. I don’t want her breaking down before she gets here.
The brothers and I have made ourselves comfortable, or as comfortable as these tiny chairs would allow in the waiting room, when half an hour later, my woman walks in with a worried look on her face, her girl posse following behind. I watch her look around anxiously, and when I stand, her head pivots in my direction before she flies at me on a whimper and I wrap her in my arms.
“Where is he? Can I see him? Is he okay?” She fires questions at me with unshed tears in her eyes as I place a finger against her lips.