Page 41 of Chains

She bends down and picks up the cage with Mr Boots inside.

“Here, take him,” she swallows nervously. “On the house, My apologies to you and your club. I’m just a little upset over the fire. Now I have to call the insurance company and hope they’re willing to pay out for the renovations that will need to be done.” She explains. I instantly regret the way I’d spoken to her and relax my stance.

An idea pops into my head, and my gaze takes in Ky, who’s watching us with a narrowed stare. If he wasn’t gonna do anything about the pretty little vet, then I would be the one to push it along a bit.

“Talk to Ky, he’ll be in charge of the renovations to the gym. Maybe you two can kill two birds with one stone, so to speak.”

The woman licks her lips nervously when she looks over at my brother, and I can see the obvious interest she has for him in her eyes. But he’s set things back by threatening her.

“I don’t think he’ll want anything to do with me now. Not after throwing around baseless threats. Maybe it’s best if we just stay out of each other's way.”

I nod my head. “As you wish.” I tell her, “I’m sure I’ll see you around. my ol’lady has taken a shine to you, and I doubt she’ll let anyone else look after the cat now.” I chuckle, and she laughs again, attracting Ky’s eyes on her. Walking to my sled; I retrieve the kitten, tuck him into my cut, and dump the cage in the trash. Throwing my leg over the sled, I start and rev the engine, hoping that Zoe was still asleep so that I can wake her slowly, needing to have my cock buried deep inside her, as thoughts of the previous night’s goings on come over me. Fucking her with my tongue and fingers wasn’t barely enough, and now that she knows how much I wanted her, I intend to take her in every way possible.

Arriving back at the clubhouse, I walk through the door, waiting for my eyes to adjust to the dark room, and groan when I see Sin coming towards me, wearing a miniscule leather skirt with a barely there top. Her blonde hair hanging loose down to her ass.

“Hey baby, lookin’ good.” She purrs, attempting to put her hands on me, but I move back. She pouts at my reaction, but I don’t give a fuck. I wasn’t gonna ruin what I was building with Zoe for a meaningless fuck with this club slut.

“What’s crawled up your ass? You had no problems with me last time we fucked.” She spins on her five-inch fuck me heels and attempts to walk away. But I grab her wrist in a tight hold, spinning her towards me again, and I get in her face.

“Talk to me like that again, you'll be in for a world of hurt.” I ground out through a clenched jaw.

“Don’t worry Chains, Nothing happened that day in your room. We didn’t fuck. Not that I didn’t want to, but you were so out of it you couldn’t even get it up.” She hisses nastily, too cocky for her own good; before a smug smile appears on her face, licking her lips almost triumphantly as a movement catches the corner of my eye. I turn my head to see Zoe standing there, wearing my T-shirt with the DCMC insignia emblazoned on the front, pairing it with a pair of daisy dukes that lovingly cup her lush ass. A look of disappointment on her beautiful make up free face. Oh, fuck me.



The dream starts off like all the others I’d been having since the assault. But it’s been weeks since the last one, and this time, Caleb is chasing me through a labyrinth of corridors and I’m finding it harder and harder to get away. His face morphing from the handsome man I used to know and love to a twisted, evil monster…

I gasp, sitting up in bed, sweat beading on my brow, the dream was so real; I felt like screaming in fright. Realizing I was completely alone in the room, I turn my head and find Chains’ side of the bed empty and cold, and see that yes, he’s definitely not there. I listen for any movement in the bathroom. Nothing. He’s not here. Son of a bitch!

Taking a deep, calming breath, I sit up and drop my legs over the side of the bed, intending to get up. Wanting desperately to return to Lexie’s house, but knowing I can’t since Caleb has found out where I am. I don’t want to put Lexie and the rest of the DCMC in any more danger than they already were.

Padding barefoot into the bathroom, I slip out of the T-shirt Chains gave me last night, stepping into the shower stall. Taking a quick shower, I refuse to go where my brain so obviously wants to take me. Back to last night, and the things that happened between Chains and me right here in this shower. The things I let him do to me.

Pushing those thoughts out of my head, I finish showering, and pad naked back into the bedroom. I need to get my things from Lexie’s place, but until then, I’ll have to wear Chains’ clothes, or at least his T-shirts. I grab one from the drawer, a gray colored one that has the club’s name and logo on it, and slip it on.

I turn around and notice a stack of clothes on the bed. Someone must’ve been here, and I can’t help but narrow my eyes.

Rummaging through them, I roll my eyes when I see the skimpy clothes, and can’t help the laugh that bubbles up. Did he really think that I was going to wear something belonging to a club girl? Shaking my head, I come across a pair of Daisy Dukes, they’re the most appropriate out of the lot, and I can hardly leave this room dressed just in a T-shirt, so I slip them on, which are a little tight over the hips and butt, which is saying something since I lost so much weight over the months I’d been in a coma. But I get them buttoned up.

I wonder where Chains has gone to and force down the negative thoughts his absence brings about. He brought me back to the clubhouse last night after my asshole ex threw a rock through the living room window, he wouldn’t just leave me here and continue on with his life. Not after what we shared last night. Would he?

Before I went downstairs looking for Chains, I quickly dialled my father’s number. It’s been a few weeks since I’ve heard from him, and I’ve been missing him something fierce. I wait for him to answer, but the phone rings out, and the answering machine turns on. I leave a quick message, telling him to call me as soon as possible. Slipping the phone in the back pocket of my jeans’ shorts, I finally leave the room. Hearing voices, I follow and what meets my eyes leaves me stunned speechless.

Chains and a beautiful blonde are in a clinch, his hand is on her wrist, hers is wrapped around his hip. My heart is being torn apart as they both appear, ready for an intense kiss. The woman smiles almost triumphantly when she spies me standing there, placing her hands on Chains’ chest. It’s then I know what I’m seeing is not what it seems. I want nothing more than to run away, but I force my feet to remain planted to the spot until he turns his head and sees me standing there. His eyes traverse the length of me, stopping on the daisy dukes I’m wearing, and the length of my legs that are uncovered.

“Little one, what are you wearing?” he growls.

That’s all he has to say? Really? He’s still standing there, the other woman practically wrapped around him, with her hands on him no less, and he has the audacity to ask me that?

Suddenly, I hear a faint meow coming from Chains cut. I can see Mr Boots head peeking out, and I can’t help but smile. Going up to him, I grab the tiny kitten from his vest and bring him to my chest, loving the feel of his soft fur and the way he purrs contently.

Without a word, I turn on my heel and head for the kitchen. It’s been a while since I’ve been at the clubhouse, but not that long that I’ve forgotten where everything is. Ignoring Chains calling out for me to stop, I enter the kitchen, busy myself in looking for a small bowl. Once I find it, I pour a little milk and lower the bowl and Mr Boots to the floor, petting him as he drinks. I crouch down just as Chains enters, with the woman on his heels.

“Sin, leave me the fuck alone. I told you I wasn’t interested, now get,” he tells the other woman. She huffs, dissatisfied with the outcome, sending me a dark look before she storms away. Very mature.

“You didn’t answer me, little one.” Chains says, standing with his feet apart, and his arms crossed over his broad, muscular chest. The ink on his tanned arms sexy as all get out.