Page 3 of Chains

“Bodie?” I whisper quietly, watching as his wild blue eyes suddenly focus on me. Shocked surprise written all over his face. But before he could say anything, my father stands in front of me. Anger flashing across his handsome face.

“Zoe, I told you to stay in the damn car,” he barks at me; my eyes widen at the way he speaks to me.

“Hey man, back up.” Bodie inserts himself between my dad and me, and I force myself not to melt into a puddle of goo right there.

My father turns fiery blue eyes on the man/boy standing up for me; even though I know I should hate him for the callous way he treated me, I feel a warmth when he defends me.

“With all due respect, kid.” He spits the word kid out like it’s poison, telling him his place without saying the words. “You have no clue what you’re getting in the middle of here. This is my daughter, Zoe. Not some whore off the street.”

Recoiling as though struck, Bodie releases his hold on my father's arm. A look I can’t fathom on his beautiful face when he learns who I really am. Shit! I chew nervously on my bottom lip and watch him take a step back. By the time he lifts his eyes, the beautiful sky-blue orbs are devoid of all emotion.

How does he do that? I guess I’m not as skilled as he is in matters of the heart. It’s then I notice he’s wearing a leather vest with the word Chains stitched into it on the breast; and when he turns to walk away like he’s disgusted with me, I can see the words Devil’s Carnage MC on the top, and Briar Creek Chapter on the bottom.

He’s a member of an MC? Something he neglected to tell me when we first met all those weeks ago. I cross my arms over my chest, and will myself not to cry. I don’t understand why he’s the one who’s angry because it certainly seems like he’s played me, not the other way around. And I don’t appreciate that. Not one bit.

It’s taking everything I have inside me not to rip him a new one. My father is unaware of Bodie’s and my connection. And I wasn't ready to open that can of worms.

As the front door swings open, my father's team of employees enters the room. I move closer to the door, ready to leave, not wanting to be in Bodie’s, or rather Chains', company, any longer than I had to.

My father turns his angry gaze on me, and it’s all I can do not to recoil.

“I’m going to be awhile,” he tells me, before scanning the room, his eyes landing on a big burly guy with the name Tiny stitched into his vest. He opens his mouth to speak, but before he can, Bodie…I mean Chains, walks up.

“I’ll take the kid home,” he tells my dad, and I will the ground to open and swallow me whole, when the word kid spews out of his mouth.

“I can get myself home, thanks.” I shoot back. My stance defensive. Though how I was supposed to do that when we arrived in one car?

“Zo, just listen for one goddamn second in your life,” my father cuts in. “Thank you,” he tells Chains distractedly, and leaves me alone with him to tend to what he has to do.

Without a word, I wrench open the door and run outside. But before I can get any further than the end of the almost falling down porch, I hear heavy boots following me. A strong arm bands around my waist, stopping me in my tracks.

“Were you ever going to tell me who your father was?” He growls out, and I can’t stop the humourless laugh escaping out of me.

“When were you expecting me to tell you, Chains?” I spit out in disgust. “When you had me bent over your bike and fucking me from behind? Oh, I know, when you sent me that text breaking up with me six weeks after stringing me along. And told me to, in no uncertain terms, get lost and then blocked me? Hmm?”

Something akin to regret passes over his face, but it’s gone so fast, I’m left wondering if I’d imagined it.

“Get on the fuckin’ sled, I’m taking you home.”

“Fuck. You.” I spit, turning on my heel. I had no idea where I was going, but I’ll be damned if I’m going to spend one more second with this lying asshole.

But before I can get even a few steps from him, strong arms band around my waist, lifting me off the ground, as he walks effortlessly to a black chrome Harley. Unceremoniously dumping me on the seat, I want to scream and rail at him like the teenager I am. But I keep it all inside. I’ll let it all out when I’m finally alone.

He doesn’t need to know just how much he still affects me.

He slides on in front of me, wordlessly turning over the engine, slowly moving forward. The movement makes me jerk, and I have to wrap my arms around his waist reluctantly or fall off. He presses the gas, and we’re riding through the streets back to my house.

All too soon, he’s stopping directly in front of my house, and I pray my mom doesn’t open the door and see him there. Throwing my leg over, I stand there like an idiot, as I hand him his helmet, running my fingers through the bird's nest that is now my hair. He silently stares at me, and the sound of the screen door opening has me turning my head to look at my mom, standing there, her arms crossed in front of her chest, waiting for an explanation.

“Go inside, little one. Forget what you saw today. Find someone who will nurture and treat you well. Because it sure as hell isn’t gonna be me.” The words he wrote in his text still haunting me.

His blue eyes imploring. With those words, standing there stunned on the verge, I watch him ride away.

I feel the urge to collapse onto the grass and let the brewing tantrum take over. But I will myself to rein it in, turning towards my house and my waiting mother, I resign myself to the fact I will never see Bodie—Chains again.


Chains–1 Year Ago