“Good luck, Mr Dawson. You deserve it. I’ll send my bill to your club.” And with that, he walks out.
Returning to my cell, I want to whoop for joy, knowing that I’ll be out of here soon and that Zoe is going to be okay. I’ve had a lot of time to think in this hellhole, and I’ve decided I’m going to throw caution to the wind and finally get my head out of my ass. Zoe’s mine, and she’s been mine for a long time. It’s time I proved to her I’m worthy of her. I’ve finally got my life back and I’m not wasting a moment longer.
I was fuckin’ nervous, like I was visiting the club for the first time, and not coming home after months of being locked up in jail. Tiny picked me up, and I didn’t realize how good it was to see him until I did. I couldn’t wait to see everyone else. We man hugged, slapping each other on the back, and he commented on the fact that I had bulked up.
“Lookin’ good, brother. Happy to see you’ve kept out of trouble.”
“As much as I could, brother.” I reply, hefting myself up into the passenger seat of the Escalade he bought when he was still in rehab. “Okay, so catch me up on what’s been happening while I’ve been out of commission.” I ask, even though finding out what I’d missed out on in the last six months because I didn’t want to see my brothers on the inside was going to be painful, I had to suck it up.
All these months later, I still blame myself for not doing enough to intervene before things became so untenable for Zoe. Thinking she was better off with that asshole than me was the biggest mistake of my life. Just because he had a normal 9-5 job, didn’t make him the best choice. And what he did to Zoe proved it.
So that’s what he did for the next few hours, as we drove back to Briar Creek; and when he came to Storm, it was a shock to learn that Kick had given his best friend an ultimatum. Get into rehab for his drug addiction or get out of the club.
His relationship with that bitch, Bunny, wasn’t helping any either, and apparently, she took off a few weeks ago, who knows where she went? Good riddance to her, I say. If it wasn’t for her, he would never have touched the hard stuff, I was sure of it. He’d be much better off back with Mallory, Everleigh’s best friend, if he would just get his head out of his ass for a minute.
“Oh, and by the way, the brothers from the Dallas chapter will be there today with some of their club whores.” With that piece of news, I couldn’t help the loud groan from escaping my lips.
“What’s up, brother?” Tiny asks.
“Nothing, I just hope one of them won’t be Sin. She acted possessive with me the morning they arrested me.” I reluctantly tell him.
“Ah, okay. So, you’ve got yourself a Honey, have you?” Tiny chuckles. Honey, a club whore from our Washington chapter was obsessed with him so much so, she’d kidnapped his woman, Sage, and wanted to get rid of her so that her path was clear to get to him. But now, Sage and Tiny are madly in love, and have a son named Silas to add to the two boys they already have. It’s all quite sickening if you ask me. But then a vision of Zoe pregnant with my kid enters my mind, and I’m not as opposed to it as I thought.
It surprised me when Tiny told me that Zoe was going to move in with Lexie at her place once she’s released from the hospital. Knowing that she was going to be closer to me made me happier than I thought possible. I’ll have to speak to Lexie and find out when Zoe’s getting out of the hospital.
“God, I hope not. That’s all I need.” I grumble. Another chuckle from Tiny, and I can’t help but smile back. I haven’t been behind bars for long, but it was long enough for me to miss all the people who matter to me.
A few hours later, after stopping to stretch our legs, get gas and have something to eat, we finally turn into the driveway to the clubhouse, the prospect at the gate opening it once he sees it’s us.
Once Tiny parks the truck, I jump out, and am suddenly bombarded by all my brothers. Hugs and backslaps abound. It’s the happiest I’ve been in months. I never thought I’d be out of that place, never to be surrounded by my brothers, who are all like family to me.
Sage and Everleigh, Kicks’ ol’ lady, are there as well, and they give me warm, welcome hugs, as a ball of emotion lodges in my throat. These two women have changed the lives of my brothers, and because of that, they mean the world to me.
Once I got back into the swing of things in the club, since I had held on to my position as Road Captain, my job would keep me preoccupied for a while. But the need to see Zoe was almost palpable, and I wondered how I was supposed to wait days before I could.
Even though I was determined to see her, I resolved to give her a few days of space; But tonight was for celebrating, and that’s what I was going to do. Even if it meant with a bottle of Jack alone in my room. Because with Sin being here, I didn’t want anything derailing my second chance with Zoe. Unfortunately, I was going to find out that it was easier said than done.
A few weeks later
I groan aloud, something pressing into my back and practically wrapping itself around me made me feel overheated.
“What the fuck?” I mutter, lifting my head, seeing strands of blonde hair draped over my shoulder. My bare shoulder.
“You have got to be kidding me.” I growl, getting pissed off because I clearly remember face planting onto my bed, fully clothed, and falling asleep alone after I had polished off half a bottle of Jack.
What the fuck was Sin doing in my room, let alone in my bed? And how the fuck did I get naked? Was I drunker than I realized and just didn’t remember the details of what happened? If so, that means I fucked the bitch last night without knowing what I’d done. Shit!
“What the fuck happened last night?” I demand on a growl. I watch as she pouts, thinking it’s the thing that will get her out of this, and I narrow my glare at her.
She shrugs, not making a move to get out of the bed. “If you don’t remember what happened between us last night, baby, I can give you a little reminder right now?” She moves in closer, and I jump off the bed.
I look around the room, not seeing any condom wrappers, and shut my eyes on a groan. Double shit! I hear her giggle and snap my eyes open, glaring at her. “What the fuck’s so funny?”
“The panic in your eyes right now. You were insatiable last night; we didn’t even have time for the condoms.” She confirms my suspicions.