Page 12 of Chains

“That son of a bitch!” I exploded. Remembering another time over a year ago when he had her phone bugged so that he knew where to find her. Why does she insist on staying with the bastard when he’s so controlling?

“She insisted everything was fine, and against my better judgement, she asked me to take her home.”

I dropped my ass onto the barstool, the feeling of defeat was overwhelming. I believed she would ask for help, from Lexie at least, if given the opportunity.

A soft touch on my shoulder had my head jerking up. “I’m sorry it didn’t work out the way we’d hoped. But we need to leave it be until she gets up the courage to ask for help herself.” I look deeply into Lexie’s ice-blue eyes, and can see something there before she shutters them against me, and it’s gone. I had a niggling feeling deep down that things were about to get worse before they got better.



The sound of someone banging on a door somewhere had me opening one eye and groaning when I see both Sin and Morgan, two club girls at the Dallas chapter of the DCMC.

“What the fuck?” I growl as my head swims. How much did I have to drink last night?

“We’re ready for another go around.” Morgan purrs, shoving her tits in my face. I’m not up for anything, but unfortunately, I can’t say the same for my dick, which is already standing at attention.

“What?” I call out, finally realizing the knocking is coming from my bedroom door. Turning my head away from Morgan’s swinging tits, they were great last night, but right now I just want to sleep.

I hear voices, then someone is shaking me awake. “Brother, get up.” Is that Ky? I turn my head to look at him, unable to focus my eyes. Shit. I can’t believe how hungover I am.

“Leave me alone. I’m dying.” I grumble, covering my head with the pillow.

“Get up, brother,” Ky shouts. “The pigs are here.” Those were the right words to get my ass moving, and my hangover to disappear immediately. What the fuck do the pigs want with me?

“What the fuck did you say?” I demand, turning over onto my back and pushing the covers off me, uncaring that I’m buck naked. If this was some kind of sick joke, I wasn’t laughing, and he’ll soon be eating through a straw if he was fucking with me.

Ky arched a dark brow.

“You heard me. Two of Dallas’ finest are downstairs. They wanna talk to you.” He spoke with the sarcasm he intended.

I couldn’t help but frown. Even though I know I did nothing wrong, I couldn’t help my heart from racing as my anxiety rose.

My whole body froze as I jumped completely naked out of the bed. My thoughts went straight to Zoe. Did something happen with her? It couldn’t be a coincidence that we’d talked about her last night, and now the police are on my doorstep wanting to talk to me?

Just the thought that something has happened to her had the power to unman me. And his next words confirm what I’d been thinking.

“They want to talk to you about Zoe.”

“What the fuck?” I demand. Completely forgetting I have two club whores still in my room, taking in our conversation with interest. I turn my attention to both of them and growl. “Get the fuck out of here.”

I feel like a block of ice, unsure of what to do and where to turn. Turning to face the two club girls still in my bed. Feeling like a piece of shit. While I was fucking two club girls, something was happening with Zoe.

“Out!” I clench my jaw tight.

“What? Why?” Sin, her blonde hair tousled around her pretty face, frowning.

“Because I fuckin’ said so. Now get.” I bark out. Turning my back to them and sliding into a clean pair of jeans and a black T-shirt. My thoughts and emotions all jumbled.

Morgan, a brunette, taps Sin on the arm, and motions for her to move. They both get out of my bed, both naked, not bothering to cover up as they stroll to the door.

“Call if you need us.” Morgan throws over her shoulder, while Sin gives me the death stare, but remains silent.

Oh, fuck no. I don’t need another Honey in my life, like Tiny had, to deal with. I’ll have to nip it in the bud before it gets to a stage where she gets to stalker level.

Sliding into my steel capped boots, I run down to the common room, getting into my cut as I go, Ky right behind me. Kick sent me, Angel, Riggs, and Ky and Tiny out to the Dallas clubhouse of the DCMC to help solve an issue they had with their gun shipment. And now the fucking pigs want to question me over something, I have no idea what.

I reach the great room where the brothers usually congregate to shoot some pool. Watch the big screen tv or drink at the bar. Two detectives are standing in the Dallas clubhouse, both smirking when they see me. “What can I do for you, fine gentlemen?” I ask as calmy as possible, gentlemen being the operative word, as I jam my hands into the front pockets of my jeans, and try to clear my face of all emotion.