Page 37 of Chains

“We need to get out of here,” I hiss, not taking my eyes off Caleb as he continues to stand there staring back at me. My lips are dry, and I feel as though my world is crashing around me.

Lexie looks back at me with concern etched on her face, completely forgetting the guy she was rubbing up against just minutes ago,

“What’s wrong, Zoe?” She demands, holding onto both of my arms, as I shake.

“Caleb.” Is the only word I’m able to whisper to her, realizing I’m now causing a scene as people around us stare in our direction. Lexie’s eyes dart around the room, and in a brief space of time, I can feel the guys surrounding us.

“Where is he?” She demands. I feel her Shaking me gently, bringing my focus back, which I’d lost for a moment. When I do return, I point in the direction I’d last seen him, but he’s not there anymore.

Strong arms wrap around me from behind, and I melt into Chains, not saying a word, just holding me, as the other men fan out, looking for Caleb. Minutes pass and I’ve finally stopped shaking when the others return.

“Nothing.” Tiny tells Chains.

“Son of a bitch.” He growls, and before I know what’s happening, he’s picking me up, bridal style in his arms, and carrying me out of the club.

This has the power to jolt me back into reality, and I fight him, demanding he put me down. But of course, he doesn’t listen, and by the time he stops to stand in front of the SUV, the others minus Riggs are behind us.

Placing me almost reverently onto the seat in the back, he silently does my seatbelt, his eyes then searching mine.

“He’ll never get near you, little one. I promise you that.” He vows, and I acknowledge his words with a tight smile and a nod. My eyes swimming with unshed tears at his declaration.

The look on his face tells me he doesn’t want to leave me alone, but reluctantly does, slamming the passenger door as he goes to his bike. Sage and Everleigh slide into the front, their eyes catching mine in the rear-view mirror.

“You okay?” Everleigh asks as she starts the engine.

Unable to speak, I just nod; feeling Lexie’s hand envelop mine, and I tighten my hold on hers all the way back to our place.

In just ten minutes, we're back at the apartment and I've returned to my usual self. I feel foolish for getting upset over something that I'm now uncertain about seeing. Maybe I was wrong, and it wasn’t Caleb after all, just my imagination in the hot sweaty club manifesting him.

Before I’m even able to open the door, Chains is there doing it for me, and unbuckling me from my seatbelt. Before everything happened, we were having such a great time tonight, and I was almost certain we’d have done the deed, and I would’ve been so hot for him I would’ve let him, whether at the club or back here. But now everything’s changed, sombre and quiet.

“I really think you should come back to the clubhouse.”

It's Chains' comment that finally ignites my anger, leading me to confront him in the parking lot of our building. He doesn’t deserve it since he’s been nothing but supportive the entire night. But I can’t seem to help myself.

“No!” I tell him, shaking my head. “It probably wasn’t even him I saw.”

The look on his face tells me he doesn’t believe me, and honestly, I don’t even believe my own words. But I will not be a wuss and hideaway from life forever. I need to stand my ground.

Placing a placating hand on his cheek, I look into his eyes. “Thank you for tonight. I had fun despite everything that happened. Go home, Lexie has great security that you guys set up, and we’ll both be fine.” I tell him.

I hope I sounded convincing, because deep down I wanted either to pack up and go to the clubhouse, or have Chains stay the night. But that bastard wouldn’t run me off. Chains looked as if he wanted to argue, but I could see the moment he changed his mind. Sighing deeply, he says.

“Fine. But if you hear anything, or you just feel unsafe, you call me straight away.”

“I will.” I promise, smiling up at him.

“Okay.” He finally relents. Leaning down, he takes my lips in a soft kiss that makes me melt against him. Pulling back, he adds gruffly. “Or I could just stay here for the night?” He looks hopefully down at me with a cheeky grin, and I have to laugh. I want nothing more than to have him here with me, but I don’t think, deep down, that I’m ready for anything to happen between us just yet.

“There’ll be plenty of time for us to spend together.” I tell him, reluctantly pushing him towards his bike.

“Call me, day or night, if you need me.” He reiterates, and I nod, affirming that I heard him as they all get on their respective bikes. Everyone bar Chains leaves, as he sits on his bike waiting for us to enter our apartment before he finally revs his engine and rides off.

Lexie and I enter the apartment together, and I’m bone tired, all I want to do is fall into bed and sleep for a week. I watch Lexie arm the security system, and we silently, in the dark, head to our respective rooms.

I change into a pair of green sleep shorts and matching tank top, and am about to slide into bed, when a loud crash erupts from the living room, causing both Lexie and me to scream as we both come running out of our rooms. Meeting in the hallway, as my heart does a somersault in my chest.

“What the fuck was that?” Lexie screams, also dressed in her pajamas, rubbing her arms with her hands, nervously