Page 32 of Chains

I looked down at the kitten almost wrapped up like a tiny burrito inside my cut, its head the only thing visible, and couldn’t help the small smile that played along my lips. Just then, movement at the front door had my head lifting, and I watch Zoe slowly walk towards me, looking unsure. I’m sure she’s confused by my mixed signals, but I can’t seem to help myself where she’s concerned.

I silently hand her the pink and black helmet I picked up for her a few days ago. If she’s going to ride with me, she’s going to ride safe. I’m not taking any chances with her safety. A look of shock passes over her beautiful face that I would do something so out of character for her. Buckle up, little one, because that’s just the start of what I have planned for us.

She silently puts on the helmet and throws her leg over my sled, sliding into place behind me. I was already burning up with need for her, having her on the back of my bike, and pressed up against me, feeling her hot pussy against my ass. I don’t know how much more I can take.

I force myself to tamp down those thoughts for my sanity as we head towards the only veterinary clinic in town, which just so happens, is right next door to the gym. When we arrive, it was like a lightbulb moment went off in Zoe’s head.

“Of course. I’d seen a clinic here when I came with Lexie the other day. I’d completely forgotten about it,” she explains, swinging her leg off my sled and removing her helmet, while I tried to forget how good she felt with her arms around my waist the whole time.

I quickly adjust myself while her eyes dart around the small strip mall. I wonder what that’s all about, but instead of asking her, I throw my leg off my sled; giving her a smile, I wrap my arm around her shoulders, expecting her to flinch away from my touch. But when she doesn’t, I relax and hold her tighter against me. Zoe’s green-eyed gaze goes to the gym.

“You guys aren’t open today?” she queries.

“Not today. Ky had something to do for the club, and he told everyone to take the day off.” I explain. I wasn’t about to tell her he’d gone to Cullville to meet up with Storm’s hot little doc. I warned him he was making a mistake, but as usual, he wouldn’t listen to me. He’ll just have to figure things out on his own. I’m not about to hold his hand while he does.

“Come on, let’s go inside.” I tell her, leading her towards the clinic.

The sound of dogs barking gets louder as we come closer and was almost deafening when we actually entered the premises. Reminding me why I’m not a dog owner.

The girl behind the counter looks up and smiles, her eyes twinkling when she takes me in. I’d seen her since the place opened, her eyes always on all the members of the MC when they came by the gym. It was all I could do not to roll my eyes, but I ignored the look and walked up to the counter. Another Tracy, I couldn’t help but think.

“The vet here? We’d like to see her.” I demand, throwing away any niceties with this one.

“Please.” Zoe adds quickly.

The girl looks at me and brazenly licks her lips; beside me, I can feel Zoe freeze. I place a hand on her lower back.

“Do you have an appointment?” she asks. Trying to flirt with me, and she wasn’t being subtle about it either.

“No, but my girl found a stray kitten she’d like to get looked at.” I tried explaining patiently.

“Melissa, please stop flirting with the customers. You either act professional or you can leave.” The owner of the clinic walked in behind the girl; her arms crossed over her chest, pushing her ample tits up. She was dressed in blue scrubs that hid her figure completely. She had a bronze tan complexion, hinting at a Mediterranean background, a curvy figure that most of the brothers in the club would go gaga over, especially Ky. Her chocolate brown hair up in a messy knot on top of her head, thick-rimmed glasses on the bridge of her small nose.

The girl stared daggers at the other woman, but silently walked out.

“I’m terribly sorry about that. She’s only been here a few weeks; I’m planning on replacing her with someone more appropriate.” She explains.

“I’m Sera, the owner of Paws and Claws. How can I help?” she asks, as her huge chocolate brown eyes find the little kitten still inside my cut.

“Oh my gosh, what a cutie.” She gushes, taking it from me, and turning to what I’m assuming are the examination rooms.

“Come with me,” she calls out over her shoulder, and silently we follow her.

“My girl found the cat in the garden next to their apartment.” I explain. A little smile playing on my lips when Zoe doesn’t correct me on my “my girl” comment.

“Oh, that’s terrible. What monster would throw this poor baby out?” She laments as she continues to check it over. “He’s a little dehydrated, but otherwise seems to be in good health.”

“He?” Zoe asks, and the other woman smiles, pointing to between the kitten’s back legs.

“Oh.” My girl giggles nervously. “Of course. I never thought to check for sex.”

“Did you want him neutered?” she asks.

“Umm, maybe it would be a good idea?” she says as more of a question towards me. I arch a brow.

“He’s yours, little one. You decide.”

“Well, in that case, I think it should be done. Even though he’s definitely going to be an indoor cat,” she tells the other woman with a confidence in her voice I hadn’t heard in a very long time.