Page 25 of Chains

“You wouldn’t dare?” She finally stands her ground, her small hands bunched into fists on her hips.

“I would, and you know I would. Now get on, so that I can get you home. I’m fuckin’ starving.”

She stands frozen for another minute, then without another word, she does as I ask. With a small huff, she slides on the helmet I give her, which is way too big, but anything is better than nothing. Throwing her leg over, she slides her front against my back, and it’s all I can do not to groan aloud.

I clear my throat, willing my cock, which has been permanently hard since Zoe walked into the gym, to go down. Revving the engine, I wordlessly wrap her arms, which she’d been holding loosely by her sides, tightly around my waist. It had been a long ten years since I had her on the back of my bike, there had been no one since her, and I vowed there would be no one but her from now on.



All too soon, we were arriving at the home I shared with Lexie. I had completely forgotten how good it was riding on a motorcycle with Bo—I mean Chains. I need to remember he hasn’t been Bodie for a very long time.

Chains parks the bike in the visitors' parking lot of the apartment building, waiting for me to get off, which I quickly do before he does too. When I had seen him earlier at the gym, I couldn’t believe I hadn’t noticed all the piercings he had before.

When would you have noticed? An unwelcome voice invades my thoughts. It’s been over a year since you’ve even spoken to him, let alone seen him.

I shake my head to dislodge those thoughts. It doesn’t matter because he and I are nothing to each other. Not anymore, anyway.

At one time, I would have given the earth to be Chains’ girl. But those times have long passed. Silly wishes of a young girl in love. We’re not the young teens we were back then. Or I’m not. I can’t do this, there’s no point in rehashing the past. It’s done, it’s gone, and I can’t bring it back.

As usual, since I’ve been back in Chains presence, I stand there like an idiot, not moving. My reaction to him is pissing me off. It’s not like I haven’t seen him before, it’s just that my mind is stuck on all the tatts and piercings I’d seen, and my brain must’ve short circuited.

Clearing my throat, I force my hands to stop splaying together as I finally turn to look at him. “Well, thanks for bringing me home. I guess I’ll see you around.”

Turning on my heel, I make my way to the front door, not realizing footsteps had been behind me the whole time until I retrieved the key Lexie gave me, and tried to unlock the door.

The thought of being alone for hours on end, while Lexie was at work, was making my hands shake, and I couldn’t find the keyhole in the door. Sweat broke out along my brow and above my lip, as a sturdy hand covered in an all-black tattoo of a compass comes out from behind me to take the key from my fingers, and I can’t help but jump back with a yelp.

“It’s only me, little one,” he whispers close to my ear, and I can’t stop the shiver of awareness that wracks my whole body. I let go of the keys and inadvertently sink into him as he unlocks the door.

His erection presses into my bottom, and all I want to do is push back against him, but I restrain myself. Barely. After everything I’ve been through, I refuse to act like a hussy. But am I really a hussy if only this man inspired those reactions inside me?

I have no time to dwell on the answer to that question, as he gently pushes me through the doorway.

“Lock up, little one,” he tells me, his hands in the pockets of his jeans, before turning on his heel and quickly heading down the driveway back to his motorcycle. Just as he was about to throw his leg over the bike, I open my big mouth.

“Did you want to come inside?” Without thinking, I call out and anxiously bite my lip as he turns his gaze towards me. I can’t believe I just did that. But the thought of spending the night alone was complete anathema to me.

Silently, he stalks back towards me, wrapping his hand around the back of my neck, forcing my head up so that I was looking at him. I thought I would recoil from a man’s touch, but it’s just like earlier at the gym; whenever Chains touched me, I didn’t feel disgust. I felt wanton and needy.

The man missed nothing, as he looked down at me with a look of concern.

“Is everything alright, little one?” he demands gruffly.

I clear my throat, trying to school my features into a mask of indifference, and not to show just how much this man affects me. Especially when he uses that endearment.

“Yes, everything’s fine. Sorry, you can go, I’m sure you have a busy evening ahead.” But the words I want to say don’t pass my lips. Because I was sure he had the club girls lined up tonight for a good time.

Chains smiles almost indulgently, like he’s aware of what I wanted to say. Motioning with his head, give’s my lower back a little shove. “Inside, babe. I’m right behind you.”

I want to say that I know he is. I can feel him surrounding me. But of course, I don’t. I keep my mouth tightly shut.

“If you wanted me to stay, all you had to do was say the words. I’ll stay as long as you need me to,” he says, removing his cut and hanging it almost reverently over the dining room chair.

“I didn’t want to keep you from whatever your plans were for tonight.” I reply in a whisper.

His large hands came out to cup my face, and again, all I felt was a deep-seated need inside me.