Page 4 of Angel of Mercy

I wouldn't call myself a prisoner, but my brother’s control is felt in nearly every aspect of my life. I'd much rather live on my own, but Niko won't allow it, at least not right now.

I swear to God he thinks I'm still sixteen years old. I do have the freedom to leave as long as I stay in Manhattan and I take along the bodyguards he's assigned to me. His watchful eye has been worse ever since he met with Luca in his office two weeks ago at Kate’s baby shower.

I don't know what happened in that meeting. I only know that at the end of it, Luca returned to Italy.

Ever since then, I've been giving my brother the cold shoulder and silent treatment except in the few moments when I tell him what a jerk he is. Why does he get to have love and happily ever after, but not me? Not that I'm sure that's what Luca and I would have, but it's definitely possible. If only we could be together to find out.

I reach the elevator and press the button.

"Where are you off to today?"

Inwardly, I swear then turn around, giving my brother a sweet smile that he knows isn’t sincere. "I'm going out." I turn to face the elevator again.

"Marco and Danny are with you, right?"

I raise my hand, giving him the bird. Niko accuses me of being immature, and maybe I am. But it's his fault. I'm certain that if I started acting like a fifty-year-old woman, he'd still keep close ties on me and wouldn't let me choose my own decisions in life.

The door opens and I step into the elevator. I turn to see Niko still standing at the door, his arms crossed over his chest, his eyes narrow, scrutinizing me.

I arch a brow, taunting him with the idea that he doesn't really know what I'm doing. And he doesn't. Even if Marco and Danny have told him about my regular trips to the East Village where I visit an excellent coffee café, play with kittens in a pet store, and peruse a bookstore, Niko would have no idea what that all means. I wouldn't put it past him to have sent men down to check out these establishments. But they won’t find anything.

I make it down to the garage, and Marco holds the door open as I climb into the back of an SUV. He and Danny sit up front.

"To the coffee house?" Marco asks as he pulls the car up to the garage door, waiting for it to open to let us out.

"Yes, please."

"They must have the best coffee in town," Danny says. His tone suggests that Niko has asked them to see what they can find out about my outings.

"The almond croissants are to die for. They remind me of the ones I had in Paris." For several years, I lived in Europe, going to school and traveling. It sounds like fun, and it was, but Niko’s presence was always felt. I was never without protection.

Traffic is heavy, so I settle back and take in the sights along the ride. New York is a lovely city in May. I wonder what it's like now where Luca lives, in Italy? Anger burns deep in my belly at the idea that I may never be able to find out. Stupid Niko.

My brother, Niko, took over the Abate crime Family’s business, and with the help of Donovan and Lucy, the Fiori Family business in New York and New Jersey. For a long time, that meant everyone close to Niko had to stay home or at the compound, or go out with an army of men until his control was complete.

But now that things are calmed down, I’m allowed to go out with only two bodyguards and have enough freedom to go into a shop without their hovering over me. So, when we get to the coffee shop, Marco parks the SUV, and he and Danny escort me to the door.

This time, Marco stands outside while Danny enters with me, but once he scans the place for signs of danger, he goes to a seat in the corner, and I go to get my almond croissant and cappuccino.

I open my book on the Italian language and pretend to read. What I'm really doing is going over a note that I'm about to leave for Luca in the bookstore.

Two weeks ago, when Luca told me he had to leave but encouraged me to get some Italian language books, I didn't know what to think. What I hoped was that he was telling me to get better at speaking Italian because he would come back for me.

But when I went to the bookstore that he told me to visit, as I went through each of the Italian language books, a piece of paper fell out between two of them. When I opened it, my heart swelled.

Don’t fret, Mio Angelo. We will be together soon again.

Mio Angelo. My angel. He calls me his angel. It makes me sigh each time he says it. He’s such a romantic.

I stared at that note for a long time, feeling both happy and yet frustrated that this is what Niko has forced us into. Leaving secret notes. We can’t text or call as Niko blocked Luca. And even if we could call, I wouldn’t put it past Niko to listen in or record the conversation.

The notes are sweet and romantic, but they make me yearn even more to be with Luca. I have to somehow get to him. Luca is a generous, fascinating man. It's hard to believe he's a Mafia Don because he doesn't ever act like a beast like my brother does.

When I finish my coffee, I exit the café with Danny and Marco on my heels.

"I think I want to go see if they have any new kittens at the pet store.”

Danny and Marco follow with enough distance to keep me safe without crowding me. I enter the little pet shop and go immediately to the pen where all the kitties are kept. Someday, I'm going to buy one or two and give them to my niece and nephew. With any luck, they will pee and poop all over Niko's penthouse. Petty and immature, I know, but again, it's Niko's fault.