“Dàn is not like the others. He is something much more.”
“How do you know this?” she asked in frustration.
“The Keeper holds and adds to the records about the Valàfrn. It’s our primary duty. I have the written account of the village in Ireland, and the tragedy that happened there, Granny said. “I also have family trees and biographies of most from that time. The official record of his birth was vague and said nothing of his father, but the Keeper of the time had a few rather terrifying suspicions.”
“As for why the others of his clan don’t remember the Keepers, I don’t know for sure. I think it must be because the elders were killed in the massacre. The Keepers of those times didn’t live in their village and usually only worked with the elders or through a kind of courier system. The Keepers weren’t able to travel far, so they often only met with the different clans at council gatherings. Now it is much easier. I have stayed in touch with most of the other clans.”
In silence, they both finished preparing the food. Hope tried not to think about what she learned. As far-fetched as it was, the idea that Athair was not really a werewolf but instead was part of a cursed family was rather appealing. Those thoughts also led to the topic of his magic. She wondered what else he could do or change into. Now, that was something to think about.
But what about Sgrios? What if he really was her attacker? Was he still a danger? What could be done to stop him? She turned. “Granny?”
“Yes, what is it?”
“What is the penalty for one that hunts humans?”
“It depends on the situation. The Council will have to be called to discuss the problem and determine a punishment.”
“The council?”
“There are many clans scattered around the world. Each Alpha Pair holds a position on the ruling Council. Together they decide what is best for the clans as a whole. In the past, a gathering was held every ten years or so. Now with modern technology and the ease of travel, the gathering of the Council happens only when needed.”
Dàn slid open the door and stepped quietly inside. “Athair has the table set up and the others will be back soon. Can I help you with anything?”
“No, Dàn, but do come in. You should be resting. Let me get you a cup of soothing tea.” Ella turned to the corner cupboard and retrieved the makings for an herbal tea which she fixed and set before Dàn on the counter.
“Thank you.” Still standing near the door, Dàn slowly sipped the tea.
“You’re welcome. It may help you recover some of your balance.”
Several minutes went by as he drank. “I would like to learn more about—” he hesitated. “Well, certain things. Will you let me look at the Keeper records?”
“You may look at all but the private journals. And I will tell you what I can from those. Together, we may find some answers about you.”
He nodded in response. Whatever was bothering him, he didn’t seem very hopeful that the Keeper’s records would be of any help.
Soon the light dinner was ready to serve. As Granny and Hope started outside, Granny cautioned Hope. “Hand the second platter to Dàn but be careful to not touch him just yet.”
Athair had found and set up a couple of folding tables and had arranged the porch chairs and benches around them. While Hope went to get Steve, the others set the table and filled the plates with food.
Steve promised to keep an open mind, yet not open his mouth during the meal. Regardless of Sgrios’ promise to not eat anyone, she figured he was capable of causing Steve a lot of pain.
Sgrios, Rath and the others joined them. Sgrios did not so much as glance at Steve, who sat at Hope’s right. Rath quietly spoke to Athair for a moment, and then they all gathered at the table. Granny blessed the meal before they began to eat. Granny talked quietly with Athair and Sgrios. Hope thought that they were discussing what had happened to his people in the last couple of centuries. She was disappointed that she couldn’t hear the history lesson clearly.
Chapter Sixteen
New Beginning
Constance of the Tides
Hope was pleasantly surprised that their meal was finished without bloodshed or even any unpleasantness. Granny invited everyone back into the house to relax and spend the night. Sgrios politely declined but said he might drop by later. He wanted to keep watch for a while longer. Hope suspected this was due more to his antisocial personality than out of any real concern for their safety.
Dàn was anxious to look at the Keeper records and as promised, Granny took him back to her apartment to look through the books. Hope figured they’d stay in there studying the ancient books for most of the evening.
While with Granny earlier, Athair had watched television, and thought the others might like to watch it for the evening.
In a moment of generosity, Steve offered, “I’ll show them how to work the remote and which channels are best.” Rath, Díon, and Reultan followed him into the living room. A few moments later, the TV blared as Steve began to channel surf looking for something to interest the younger werewolves.
A football game. News. A commercial. Wheel of Fortune. Someone whistled. It was probably Steve, who was in love with Vanna. Another commercial. Weather. Someone scoffed at that. Steve asked what was funny, and Hope heard Rath answer, but couldn’t make out what he said. He was probably explaining his ability to control the weather.