Blake feels her stomach drop and her mind immediately goes to the worst-case scenario, like someone broke in or Jenna got hurt. “What’s wrong?” she asks.

“There’s something wrong with your cat,” Jenna says.

“Millie?” Blake asks, and thinks to herself, That’s worse than a break in! “What’s wrong?”

“She keeps throwing up,” Jenna says. “I just got off the phone with the vet, but they can’t get her in until tomorrow morning.”

“Did she eat something wrong?” Blake asks. “Does she have any other symptoms?” Blake doesn’t really know why she’s asking other than concern. She’s not a vet. Anything other than humans become sick and she’s just as clueless as the rest of the world.

“No,” Jenna says, “and I have no clue why she’s throwing up. She was just fine yesterday, but when I came home from work today, she wasn’t.”

“Okay,” Blake says, not knowing what to do. She’s had Millie for five years, and she’s always been healthy. She should have a lot more life in her. Blake is worried that she’s dying or something, and it also doesn’t help that Blake is in a completely different country, with no way to get to Millie just out of the blue.

“I’m sorry,” Jenna says.

“It’s not your fault.”

“But I know how much she means to you,” Jenna says, “and I don’t know what’s wrong. I’m worried I did something.”

“I’m sure you didn’t do anything,” Blake assures her. “You’re good with animals and you know what to do. You’re going to the vet tomorrow, right?” she asks.

“Yeah,” Jenna says. “I rescheduled one of my appointments and I’m going there as soon as they open.”

Blake sighs in relief, grateful for Jenna, and grateful that she’s watching out for Mille. “Okay,” Blake says, “just keep me updated, okay?”

“I will,” Jenna says right as Amory walks out of the bathroom with a towel around her waist.

“Hi,” Amory greets with a smile and a wave. Blake looks at Amory and gives her a smile, but it’s sad and strained.

Amory frowns at the look on Blake’s face. “What’s wrong?” she asks.

Blake just shakes her head and turns her attention back to her phone call with Jenna. “Thank you,” she says, “and thanks for telling me.”

“Of course,” Jenna says, “I love you.”

“I love you, too,” Blake says.

She ends the call and turns to Amory, who has a frown on her face.

“Who was that?” Amory asks.

“My friend,” Blake says, sitting on the bed. “It’s been a shit day for both of us now, I guess.”

Amory kind of ignores that for now, focusing on other details of the very short part of the conversation she has heard.

“Was she your girlfriend?” Amory asks.

“What? No. She’s just a friend.” Blake does decide that it’s time to come clean about her and Jenna’s previous relationship. After all, if Blake wants any longevity in her relationship with Amory, she should know.

“We did used to fuck some,” Blake says, “but—” I won’t anymore is what Blake wants to say, but she’s interrupted by Amory.

“What?!” Amory exclaims. “You mean to tell me you’ve been sleeping with me while someone else thinks you’re with them?”

“What? No,” Blake says, “it isn’t like that.” She wants to explain, to tell Amory that her and Jenna were just friends with benefits, and that she broke it off with Jenna, but Amory continues.

“She told you she loves you,” Amory says. “You said it back, for crying out loud.”

“Because we’re friends,” Blake says, “I tell all my friends that I love them.”