She pulls herself back to the present moment and reaches over to Blake and takes a soft breast in her hand.

“Let me help you,” Amory says.

“If you insist,” Blake says, moving up to kiss Amory, and Amory can taste herself on Blake’s tongue.

The two of them switch positions, and Amory finds herself at Blake’s feet.

“Do you want a vibrator?” she asks.

“Yes, please,” Blake says.

“Aw,” teases Amory, “Look at who’s being a good girl now.”

Blake growls at her and Amory’s heart stutters. “Watch your mouth,” Blake says.

Amory gets the wand vibrator that they used last night and hands it to Blake so that she can use it on herself while Amory fingers her, feeling how wet she is around her inner thighs before she puts two fingers inside of Blake.

It’s been a while since she’s done this, but even though she’s rusty, there are some skills you don’t forget. Her hands do get tired more than they used to, however, and she has to switch hands every now and then.

When Blake comes, she comes screaming, and Amory smiles at her in satisfaction, proud that she could make her feel that way.

When they’re done, the two of them cuddle up together and Amory wonders where this leaves them. She’s never been the type to have one-night stands or do the whole, friends-with-benefits thing, but she doesn’t know how Blake feels about this or what she wants, and Amory is kind of scared to ask. She doesn’t want to ruin what they already have, or scare Blake away, but she definitely thinks that she wants something more substantial.

She thinks about dating Blake, and realizes that’s something that she definitely wants, and she’s excited, even if a large part of that terrifies her. She hasn’t been in a proper relationship since Natalie, and she’s scared that she doesn’t know how to love again. She wonders if she can and thinks that she’s definitely willing to face her fears and give it a go.

She realizes that she’d have to talk to Blake, though, and comes up with any excuse to avoid that for a while. Amory decides that she will have a conversation with the other woman at some point, but with her anxiety, it’s best to wait a while and let things progress naturally for now, see how things go.



Blake wakes up in the morning with an arm wrapped around Amory and she smiles to herself, looking at the way the morning light hits Amory’s lovely face. This is the first time that she has woken up to be able to watch Amory sleep. Normally Amory wakes before Blake.

Blake smiles at the sleeping Amory and cuddles closer, planting a kiss in her long honey colored hair. She could get used to this; loves the way she feels when she wakes up in the morning to have Amory in her arms. Even when Amory wakes up first, she loves it because the other woman will often move closer to Blake, and that’s all she wants—that sense of closeness, of belonging together.

Blake lies there for a while, simply content and thinking to herself. She wonders where this relationship leaves them. Blake wants something more substantial with Amory, but she doesn’t know how Amory feels about that. She wonders if Amory would even want to date her or be in a relationship after they leave Zambia.

She wants her to—like really wants that. She wants to help Amory learn how to date and love again. And even though she knows she’s part of the reason Amory doesn’t, she wants to help her rebuild the trust she’s lost in others.

Maybe Blake is a bit of a romantic. She’s never thought of herself as one before, but being in Zambia with her old rival is starting to change those things for her. She often finds herself daydreaming about a future with Amory or imagining all of the dates they’ll go on when they get back to the US.

She can show Amory her favorite restaurant and parks, and introduce Amory to her cat. She wonders if Amory is a cat person and remembers that Natalie would sometimes talk about the cat she shared with her girlfriend.

Blake coughs and that’s what finally wakes Amory. She looks at Amory’s deep blue-green eyes and smiles at her.

“Dammit,” Blake says, “I wasn’t trying to wake you.”

“It’s okay,” Amory replies, “I need to get up anyway. We both do.”

Blake groans. “Five more minutes.”

Amory laughs and sits up in the bed. “Come on, lazy bones,” she says, “we have work to do.”

“Fine, but just for the record, I’m not happy about it.”

“Oh, come on,” Amory chides, “you love your job.”

“Yes,” Blake agrees, “but I love being in your arms more.