“Suit yourself,” Blake says, reaching beside her to where she’s put her own backpack. She opens it and pulls out a book.

Amory tries not to look, but she can’t stop herself. Her very being is filled with anger at what Blake did to her, but she can’t help her curiosity.

“What are you even doing here?” she asks.

“I thought you have nothing to say to me.” Blake responds, smirking again.

Amory wants to punch her in the face, but manages not to.

“Shut up.” Amory says, angry but dying to know why Blake is there. Amory’s mind immediately goes to the worst conclusion, that maybe Blake is here for the same reason she is. She tries to reason with herself, that it’s highly unlikely that Blake would also be going to Africa to help with the recent Cholera outbreak. But then Blake opens her mouth.

“I’m going to Zambia,” Blake announces.

Amory’s world stutters and she freezes for a moment.

“Shut up. No, you’re not,” Amory responds.

“Yes, I am,” Blake says, “and I’m assuming by your displeasure that’s where you’re going as well.”

“I can’t believe this is happening,” Amory says.

“Well, believe it, sweetheart,” Blake says, “because it is.”

Blake’s brown eyes glimmered and sparkled. Amory couldn’t help but admit to herself that she was very attractive. Why did she have to be so goddamn tall and good-looking?

Amory groans. “Why do you have to be here? Couldn’t you have at least sat somewhere else?”

“What? And miss a chance to see your beautiful face?”

Amory blushes but groans again. “Shut up.”

“You keep saying that,” Blake says.

“Well I mean it,” Amory retorts.

“Yet you keep talking to me,” Blake points out. She runs a hand through her short dark hair, ruffling it. Even her messy hair is sexy.

God, I hate her.

“Fine,” Amory says, crossing her arms and looking out the window.

Blake laughs and starts to read her book just as a flight attendant begins the pre-flight speech.

Amory is able to ignore Blake for the first hour or so of the flight. It’s been years since she’s been on a plane, and despite her fears, she’s fascinated by how the clouds look and how tiny the city looks below them.

However, soon her curiosity gets the better of her and she can’t ignore Blake any longer. She needs to know.

“So why are you going to Zambia?” Amory asks, pretty much already having assumed the answer, but she wants the confirmation.

Blake stops reading her book and smirks at Amory. Amory tries to ignore the heat and anger she feels under Blake’s gaze.

“I’m on a work trip,” Blake answers, but doesn’t provide any more information.

It doesn’t matter, though, because with a sinking feeling in her chest, Amory thinks she knows why Blake is going to the same place as her.

“Please tell me you’re not with Doctors Without Borders to help with the Cholera outbreak,” Amory says.

Blake looks at her but doesn’t say anything for a moment. She flips a page in her book before she puts it down.