“Of course,” Blake responds, “is everything alright?”

“Yeah,” Jenna answers. “I just met someone online and we’re planning to meet tomorrow before work and your place is closer to the city. Plus, I can drop you off at the airport first.”

“Okay, yeah,” Blake responds, “that sounds good, just don’t mind the mess.”

“Your place is always a mess,” Jenna says, “and I never mind.”

“Do you want the couch or to share the bed?” Blake asks, trying to think if she has any spare bedding clean to put on the couch. She knows that she really should have cleaned her house before she is set to go on her trip, but she’s been so busy. That, and cleaning is sometimes very difficult for her. She’s never understood the people who enjoy cleaning, and she wonders if she can pay someone to clean for her while she’s away.

“The bed is fine,” Jenna says, “I’ll be there in about an hour.”

“That works,” Blake says, already almost to her apartment. She lives close to the clinic, walking distance, which works great for her, but sometimes she wishes she could get a house or something. Maybe something in the suburbs, away from all of the traffic noise. Something peaceful and stereotypical, but she supposes she’s never really had a reason to settle down like that.

When she gets home, she does some light cleaning. Even if she decides to pay someone to clean her house while she’s away, and Jenna agrees to watch over things, she should at least empty her apartment of all the trash so she doesn’t get bugs or anything gross like that. She may be messy, but she’s not gross.

After about thirty minutes, Blake decides that she has earned a break. She sits on the couch and makes a psst psst sound. Soon, four small paws come scampering into the living room. It’s Millie, her black and white short-haired cat.

Blake pats the empty spot on the couch beside her and Millie jumps from the floor onto the couch. Blake sits there for a while, just petting her cat while she waits.

Jenna comes later. With a knock on the door, soon she’s pressed against it with Blake’s lips on hers. She moans into Blake’s mouth and Blake presses against her, wanting to be as close to her as is possible with both of them fully dressed.

“Should we take this to the bedroom?” Jenna asks.

“Please,” Blake says, breathless, and the two of them head to her bedroom.

Blake enjoys how good Jenna feels under her. How good she sounds when she moans in Blake’s ear.

She can’t believe Jenna ever thought she was straight. She is certainly not straight. To Blake, having sex with men was like a bad joke. One she never cared to try.

The first time Blake had sex with a woman was the first time she orgasmed. It was mind-blowing. Blake had always known that lesbians existed, but until that fateful day in college, she could have sworn that wasn’t her. Until it was, and then there was no going back.

Blake moans when Jenna removes her bra and touches her breasts. It’s been a week or so since the last time the two of them have had sex and she misses it.

She helps Jenna strip from her clothes and the two of them fumble towards the bed. Blake laughs when they land among the pillows, and she takes Jenna’s mouth into hers, gasping as the two of them make out.

Blake remembers the fear she felt when she figured out that she was definitely, one hundred percent attracted to women—and when she realized she’d have to tell other people. It went well at first, when she told her friends. Only one of them had a problem with it and it was a super religious girl who later apologized for her negative reaction. Her parents, however, were a different story, and Blake waited a long time to tell them.

She still remembers the shocked looks on their faces when she introduced her then-girlfriend to them at her college graduation. Her dad screamed and made a scene in public, something that shocked her. And her mom cried, something that hurt her more than anything.

Now, it doesn’t hurt as much. Blake knows who she is and has come to love herself for it. Her parents never got that far, though, and she’s barely talked to them since. Blake has learned how to be fine with it, though, and she rarely even misses them. She didn’t even miss them when they failed to show up to her graduation from medical school. Something that she knows her dad would have swelled with pride at had she not had a penchant for fucking women.

When Jenna touches Blake’s clit, every single thought she had flies out the window, she’s back in the present moment, and all she knows is how much she loves women.

“Oh god,” Blake says.

Jenna laughs and kisses her shoulder as she begins to rub little circles into Blake’s clit. Blake grabs her head and mumbles incoherencies. It’s so much, and it feels like heaven.

Blake and Jenna continue through kisses and skillful touches until both of them orgasm at least once. For Blake, she comes twice, making up for the last time they were together when sex was cut short and she didn’t get to orgasm even once. Jenna comes with a scream, and lies back on the bed, completely spent.

Blake laughs and kisses her shoulder. Even though neither Jenna nor Blake want their relationship to turn romantic, they still give each other little affections, such as sweet kisses and holding hands. After all, they are friends, and Blake has always been touchy feely with her friends.

Blake lays next to Jenna and cuddles beside her, being the big spoon. This used to be her all-time favorite part of sex—the cuddling after. With Jenna, it’s a little awkward, but she does still enjoy it. It makes her sad sometimes, though, to think that she doesn’t have a relationship where she can do this all the time with someone. She misses the sweet intimacy that she used to find in her romantic relationships, when they were a little more than just friends or fuck buddies. She doesn’t know how to explain that feeling, but she wants it again.

The last time she really thought she found someone she could be with for a long time, the other woman turned out to be in a relationship with someone else and broke it off after the other woman found out. Blake shouldn’t be surprised. She should have known better. She knew that Natalie was in a relationship, that she had a girlfriend, but Blake was so sickly head over heels that she didn’t care.

She hoped that Natalie would leave her girlfriend and that the two of them would be together. But that was a foolish, immature hope. Now, Blake knows that. Natalie broke it off with Blake almost immediately after her girlfriend caught them in bed together, and it doesn’t seem like she ever looked back.

Blake doesn’t know what happened after they got caught, doesn’t know if she and her girlfriend made up, or if they’re still together seven years later. All Blake does know is that she hasn’t been in a relationship herself since.