So this was California.
Nowhere in the world is the air sweeter, more fragrant than my little home in Forestville, his mother had written in her diary. So long ago. How on Earth could she leave behind such a wondrous place? Once again, the thought came to him—could he live here?
Lilly returned a minute later with two wine glasses in one hand and two bottles in the other. She set everything down on a small wooden table between the lounge chairs. “I didn’t know which one you preferred, but they’re probably both glorified grape juice to you anyway.”
“Ah, sorry about having said that. I should probably watch my tongue a little more closely,” he said sheepishly, leaning against the railing and gazing at Lilly. Because of the chilly air, her nipples were slightly hard through her thin T-shirt and wraparound sweater. He did his best to keep his eye contact on her face, though it kept dropping. Hopefully, he would see those before the night was over. Hopefully, he would get to touch them and make her feel good.
“I don’t know,” she said, pulling an opener from her pocket. “I think I’d like to see more of what that tongue could do.” She was reaching for one of the wine bottles when he gently covered her hand with his.
“Did I mention I want you completely sober for what we’re about to do?”
She blinked. Licked her lips. “Um, well, yes. But I’m fine. Honestly. I’m sober and I know exactly what I’m doing, Quinn.”
He took the opener from her and set it on the table, then placed his hands on her hips. “Well, I’m glad to be hearing that.”
“Not that I do this kind of thing a lot,” she said quickly. “But there’s something about you, Quinn…I feel comfortable talking to you. You’re funny, you’re sweet, and very, very sexy.”
Softly, he kissed the side of her neck. “Why, thank you, Lil. And you’re…” He wanted to say perfect. She was perfect in every way, but he knew she just wanted to have one night with him. Keep it fun and simple, Quinn. “Lots of fun to be around.”
She smiled and tilted her head back further, exposing more of her smooth, creamy throat to him.
The air’s fragrance and the fact that the most gorgeous woman ever to walk the Earth stood inches away, offering herself up to him, transported Quinn to another place and time. Forget the damn wine, the only thing he wanted to get drunk off of was Lilly’s lips underneath this remarkable endless sky. He sprinkled kisses along both sides of her neck until she was sighing and he couldn’t hold back any longer. As exquisite as her skin was beneath his lips, he needed her mouth.
“Lilly,” he whispered.
She righted her head, blinking slowly, face flushed, eyes hungry.
“Kiss me.”
Gentle arms wrapped around his neck and pulled him in tight. Finally. Sweet, warm lips melted into a sizzling kiss that sent fire straight down Quinn’s belly. Something about their tongues tasting and exploring while surrounded by fresh cool air and new spectacular surroundings made him hyperaware of just how great life was right now.
Quinn broke the kiss a minute later to press his forehead into Lilly’s. “Can I just say, thanks?”
“For what?” She bit her shining lip, still wet from their kiss.
“For inviting me here. I feel closer to my roots in some ways. It’s breathtaking, almost as breathtaking as you.” Swiping his thumb across her jawline, she smiled and lifted her chin to kiss him again.
“My pleasure,” she said with an edge to her voice.
He wondered, briefly, if anyone could see them out here, though he didn’t see any windows clearly from where they stood, only the barely lit ones from the vineyard and winery house a ways up the road. “Can we stay out here all night?” he asked, doing nothing to hide the mischief in his voice.
“Ah, I see now what you mean about a rebellion contest. Let’s see who’s badder to the bone,” she giggled, taking him by the hand, leading him to the lounge chair. She sat then laid back, guiding Quinn with her. He squeezed into the length of the seat with her, their bodies pressed together, and their kissing grew hotter, messier, more urgent. “There’s a chenille blanket,” she whispered, sucking on his bottom lip, “behind you in that basket.”
His body shifted until his eyes spotted a big wicker basket. Reaching in, he plucked out a fluffy red blanket. “This one? And what shall I do with it, my dear lady?” he asked.
“Want to fulfill a fantasy of mine?” she asked, biting her lip.
Her request made his balls tighten against his body, his heart beat just a little faster. A classy woman—with an edge. “Is it what I’m thinking?”
She tilted her head, as her fingers deftly began unbuttoning his shirt. Her small hand slipped inside and rubbed his chest. All he could do was watch her lustful gaze roaming over his body, take in the sight of her delightful breasts growing swollen and hard with desire. He knew what she would say even before she said it. “Let’s sit here all night, under this blanket, and see what happens between us. If you’re feeling up to it, that is.”
“I’m definitely feeling up to it, woman.” He bolted up straight, finished unbuttoning his shirt for her then pulled it open. Her eyes soaked in the sight of his broad chest. It was one thing about his body he always felt pride over, something years of rugby had given him—a tight, wide upper torso most women loved to lay their hands on.
Lilly was no exception. Sitting up, leaning into him, she kissed his chest, her warm lips leaving a trail of kisses down his body toward his stomach. It had been years since he’d made love to anyone in the outdoors. His last girlfriend, Sofia, had gone and moved to Paris last year, and while their sex life had been relatively active, she was a shy and cautious woman who never would have dreamed of doing it outside—that would’ve been a holy show.
Lilly, however, seemed to relish in making things happen, as she was currently doing by peeling off her sweater then crossing her arms in front of her, in that awesome pose a girl does right before she takes off her shirt, and pulling it up and over her head. He must have looked like a horny schoolboy watching her do it, but she didn’t mind one bit. Again, her breasts were the perfect size—not too big, not too small, pushed together with deep, succulent cleavage in her black bra.
“Well?” she said, reaching behind her and unclasping the bra, sliding her arms out, and tossing it to the floor. Her diamond eyes twinkled in the dark, as her beautiful tits hung free in the cool autumn night. “What are you waiting for, Mr. O’Neill? Let’s get naked under that blanket.”