“You know damn well that’s why I made it,” I said, though it wasn’t completely true. But I didn’t mind them thinking I’d done it all for them.
“We weren’t really here for cake anyway,” Dom said, stepping up to me and taking my hands. “We wanted to show you that we were serious about fixing up the house. That’s why we busted our asses off this week, even though there were other things we would’ve rather been doing.”
“Things?” I asked coyly.
Taylor added, “We hope you weren’t feeling neglected.”
“Me? Neglected?” I scoffed. “Hell no. I’ve had a great week getting things done and watching you guys work.”
“And doing what you’ve been doing upstairs in your room.”
“Well, of course.” I smiled. “You can’t blame a girl. I mean, look at you all. So no, I haven’t been feeling neglected. I’ve enjoyed having you around and seeing what you’ve been doing.” Their attention on me, so caring in each man’s unique way, touched a soft spot in my heart, and the earlier flirtation faded into the background. I took a hitching breath and added, “It’s also been nice to get back to regular life. Ever since Tabitha died, and I lost my job, I’ve felt…unmoored. Does that make sense?”
“I know all about it,” Dom replied. I knew he was referring to his recent breakup with that Ada woman, and I was happy I’d been able to provide him with some distraction from that, at least.
“I’m sure it didn’t help to have strangers around you all the time,” Logan, said, “offering you stuff and making your life overwhelming.”
“I’ll take overwhelmed over having those offers reneged any day,” I said quickly, suddenly wondering if that was what this was about. Had they changed their minds?
“Oh, nothing’s being reneged,” Dom said quickly. “We don’t want take-backs. In fact, we’ve sensed how comfortable you’ve grown with us, and, to put it bluntly, we’ve all gone crazy with how much we want you. We know you’ve only been with Taylor, and usually, people work their way to two before they get to three, but what if—”
“I want to do it,” I blurted out. “Let’s do it. Here. Now. All four of us.” Dom’s eyes widened. For a moment, I wondered if I’d heard something else. They were talking about sex, weren’t they? All my old insecurities started coming back and I stuttered, “I mean… Of course, if that’s not what you meant…I…” My voice grew small and quiet and I added, “I’m sorry.”
“Don’t ever apologize,” Dom said quietly. “Don’t you dare feel embarrassed or take back what you said.”
“Yeah, that’s the truest thing you’ve ever said to us, Kayla. Without an ounce of guilt or second thought,” Taylor added. “In fact, I want to hear it again.”
I felt something give inside me. Maybe it was those last remaining inches of inhibition, or maybe just relief that I hadn’t made a fool of myself, or knowing that something extraordinary and momentous was about to happen in my life, but…
I pushed away the old Kayla. “I want to do it,” I said again, more slowly, looking at all of them. All their faces and gazes. Making sure they knew how I felt. “Here. Now. All four of us.”
Dom came up to me, as my body shook from my core. He snaked his arm around my waist and pulled me close. I loved the feel of his warm body so close to me. I looked over at Taylor and Logan, but before I could take in their expressions or reactions to this, Dom leaned in and kissed me.
It was the kind of kiss that knocked your breath square from your lungs, his tongue sliding into my mouth as he tugged me hard against his body. I forgot the other two were in the room for a moment as I pressed my body against Dom’s. When I pulled away from him, his hand strayed down to my ass and he let it linger there.
“I know you do,” he whispered. “You’re ready.”
My breath came faster as I realized this was finally happening. I almost couldn’t believe it. But there was no way in hell I was going to stop it now.
“Upstairs,” I said in a husky voice filled with need. “In my bedroom. Now.” I began walking off, feeling like the Queen of this house, when Dom scooped me up in his arms and carried me upstairs.
The others followed closely behind. When we reached my room, Dom placed me on the bed, the three of them quickly surrounding me and sliding down on to the covers around me. Thank god Tabitha had splurged on a California king-sized bed. The weight of them on the bed felt surreal. Three, solid tall men. A wall of muscle and intention. I bit my lip as I looked at them all, one at a time.
To my surprise, Logan had this darkness to the way he was looking at me. As the slick businessman, there was kink to him, and I knew I’d be in trouble with that one. Taylor had a playfulness to him, and Dominic, as usual, wore an intense intimidation I was already addicted to.
Dom kissed me again as Taylor slid between my legs, and I found myself too focused on their activities to let my overheated brain overthink this any longer. My goal would be to let go…to feel…to allow my body to enjoy the sensations.
Taylor pushed my legs apart while Dominic caught my head in his hands, moaning softly as though he’d been thinking about doing this to me since the very first moment he’d laid eyes on me. Logan ran his hand down my arm, linking his fingers with mine in a soft, surprisingly sweet gesture that belied everything I’d foretold about him. Taylor hooked his fingers around the straps of my sundress and inched the fabric down my body, exposing my bare breasts, my stomach, my aching pussy. He tugged the dress off and the cool air hit my skin, making me ache for the heat of a man’s body covering mine.
My pulse raced as I felt his hot breath on the inside of my thighs, moving up and up and up until…
“The cookies are done, Dom,” he said, eliciting a much-needed giggle from my throat.
“So done,” Dom agreed.
“And shaved. The cookies are shaved, too. With a little landing strip leading the way.” Taylor ran his thumb lightly over my core as I let out a deep, long groan against Dominic’s mouth. Finally, I felt Taylor’s tongue connect with my clit for the first time. I hadn’t realized just how desperate I’d been for some kind of relief until that moment, but I felt my body sink into the bed and my brain clear for the first time since I’d arrived in this place.
Logan’s hand moved from my arm to my belly, stroking his fingers across my thin swath of pubic hair, the one Taylor had called a “landing strip,” as Taylor slowly licked up and down, back and forth across my clit. They all seemed to know precisely what they were doing, as though they had rehearsed this a thousand times. I’d never realized it before, but the feel of all of their hands moving over me soothed and aroused me at the same time, a moving blanket of warmth and reassurance and arousal.