Page 53 of Nailing Studs

“And some?” he asked.

I thought about that. “Some want a different man, depending on the mood,” I said. “Some love the way they all work together as friends, as lovers.” I was feeling a little dizzy with him so near to me. I wanted to wind my warms around his neck, draw him close, see just how wild this guy could get.

“That’s what I thought. So, what’s your mood tonight, Kayla?” he asked darkly, his gaze straying down to my lips with open hunger.

My body squirmed with excitement. “I want to have fun.”

“Why don’t we get out of here, then?” His question threw me for a loop. I hadn’t thought of going out, but now that he mentioned it, it was Friday and a night out on the town with Logan would make the perfect preface to seeing what he could do later.

“Where will we go?” I asked.

“A wine bar on the other side of town. They do tastings, and I could sure sample a few right now. Great atmosphere, classy place, and you look like you’re already dressed for it.” He nodded at my bare feet. “Shoes would help, though. The sexier the better. But god, you look seriously hot.”

“Well, we match then, because I do love a man in a suit.”

Without another word, he pulled me in to him and kissed me, slipping his tongue into my mouth like he owned it and wanted to make that understood. Something melted deep in my chest, and I found myself longing for more, wondering if there was any way we could call off the rest of the night and get him to stay in with me instead. But postponing my desire for later would only heighten that experience, I realized.

He pulled away and flicked his tongue over his lips. “Come on, let’s get out of here.”

“Give me a minute for a quick shower?” I asked. I had a good idea where things would go after we were done with wine tasting, and I wanted to be fresh and ready.

“I’ll give you ten minutes, but you have to wear that dress. It’s doing something to me I’m really digging.”

I giggled as I dashed out of the living room, running lightly up the stairs. Six minutes later, I’d showered, dabbed on some lipstick and extra mascara, put my dress back on and grabbed my sexiest pair of heels—four inches of daring red that contrasted nicely with the navy dress. Back downstairs, Logan grabbed my hand and led me outside. I slipped into the front seat of his expensive car as he took the wheel. Before heading out, he leaned over to plant a kiss on my mouth once more.

Oh yeah, that man could kiss, all right.

We drove through the dark, chatting about art, food, wine, and all sorts of culture. It was nice to talk to someone about the finer things for a while, and his knowledge of the wines served at this place was making me even hotter for him. Logan Raider could have any woman he wanted hang on his every word with just one smile, one wink. I wondered how many girls in this small town alone had found themselves pining after his fine ass.

Yet here he was with me. A month ago, Grant’s cutting words would have me thinking I didn’t deserve a man like Logan. But now? I smiled to myself. Screw Grant and his need to make me feel less of a woman. I knew what I deserved. I deserved the best.

I soon found out, as we arrived at the bar, that the answer to the question about how many women in this town wanted Logan was “a whole freaking lot.” As soon as we stepped out of the car, a woman about to step inside the wine bar, called Pairings, noticed Logan and immediately gave him the kind of hug that told me they knew each other as more than just friends.

“Logan!” She smiled, fingering the hair at the nape of his neck. Then her eyes slid over to me. She took a quick step back from him, dropping her arms. “Sorry, I didn’t mean…I-I-I didn’t see…” she stammered.

“It’s no problem, really,” I said, watching as she backed away, still glancing at Logan with carnal desire. In moments she’d entered Pairings, leaving Logan and I alone on the sidewalk.

I gave him a wry grin. “She seemed to like you. A lot. Who was that?”

He shrugged, but smiled. “Angelina. Not sure of her last name. We know each other from way back.”

“Mmm hmm, I’m sure you do,” I teased. “Bet you don’t know my last name, either.”

“You’re right, Miss Pratchett from 18 W. Taft Street in New York City, I don’t.” He raised his eyebrows pointedly, and I laughed.

“You only know that because I gave you a business card.” I smirked.

“They all give me business cards, sweetheart.” He held my gaze with intensity and my breath seemed to disappear for a moment. “Oh,” I said simply.

“Exactly. Now, you ready to have a good time?”

“Indeed, I am.” I smiled, the heat of the moment having gently dissipated into the cool night air. I hooked my arm in the crook of his.

And show me a good time he did.

Pairings was elegant, crowded, and buzzing with activity, so packed with people that it was almost like being back in the city. I had no idea so many people in Fosterman wanted to learn about wine pairings. We sat at a table with other couples, and for the next ninety minutes, waiters brought out different bites of food along with samplings of Rieslings, pinot noirs, cabernets, and moscatos for dessert.

Logan got a lot of attention. Several gorgeous and sexy women came up to him to say hello. They’d notice me, then bounce off again when Logan wouldn’t give them more than a polite hello. Clearly, he was the hottest guy in the place, and wow, did it ever turn me on that I would have him for myself later tonight.