Given I’d already slept with Taylor and Dom separately, I wanted to even out the score. True, Logan had earned the first blow job, but nothing could tell you more about a man than the way he made love to you. My mouth watered as I remembered how Logan had felt and tasted, and I wanted to drop down on my knees and take him in again.
He swept me into his arms and stepped over the threshold, then kissed me until I felt like I was falling through Alice’s rabbit hole, with Logan holding me as we tumbled through swirls of colors, lights, and fog.
When he finally set me down and pulled away, I had to catch my breath. “Logan, what are you doing—”
“I brought you a gift,” he said excitedly, holding up a manila folder for me to see.
“Umm… I’m guessing it’s not wine?”
“Anyone can get you wine.” He tugged at me to follow him into the living room. “Only I could get you this.”
We sat together on the couch and he smacked the folder onto my legs, grinning proudly at me.
“Go on,” he said, nodding at the folder.
I narrowed my eyes at him, but his excitement was infectious, so I opened the folder and stared at a stack of papers in front of me. Records of some kind, each with a government seal in the corner, stared back at me. I flipped through the first few pages. The information was all about the house, showing its history going back decades. I stared in awe.
“All this stuff normally takes months of jumping through the city’s bureaucratic hoops to obtain,” Logan explained. “But I can be very annoying, very pestering, and very, very much of that kind of an asshole people will bend the rules for so he’ll go away.”
I laughed and shook my head. “I never knew all this documentation existed,” I said, still in disbelief. “This is amazing.”
“That’s not even the best part.” Logan tapped his finger on the pages.
“It gets better?”
“Now it’s still kind of a long shot, but I read through a lot of code today and I think we may be able to get the city to list this house as a historical site.”
I stared at Logan, stunned. He smiled and I never thought he looked sweeter.
“I filed the paperwork twenty-three minutes ago.”
“Wow, Logan, this is…” I felt embarrassed at the emotion that was coursing through me and threatening to fill my eyes with tears. “But why, why did you—”
“It’s been driving me crazy,” he blurted out. “Not seeing you the past few days, I mean. Why haven’t you answered my calls? Are you okay?”
My heart melted when I realized that his kiss from another universe had just been his way of showing concern about me. I couldn’t imagine what he’d kiss like when he was filled with pure desire.
“Thank you for checking up on me, but I’m fine. Just needing to process it all, Logan. Don’t take it too personally.”
“I do take it personally. I can’t help but think you won’t give me the same chance as those other dudes, whose names shall be kept quiet for the remainder of my stay.”
“What do you have against Taylor and Dom?” I waggled my eyebrows, teasing him about his jealousy.
He pretended to be wounded. “Argh! You deliberately hurt me, Kayla.”
I laughed. “Logan, you’re too much.”
“I don’t have anything against them. But tonight, I want you for myself.” A dark shadow fell across his light eyes, an expression that made my stomach crunch.
I chewed my lip nervously. “So, you’re jealous?”
“Hell, yes. We all are, at some point.” In his expression, I saw a flash of amusement mixed with a possessiveness. I knew he wouldn’t leave here tonight without getting what he wanted, and I didn’t mind one bit.
“I’m not going to stop seeing Dom and Taylor,” I warned him, in case he was thinking of trying to win me exclusively.
“I know that.” He reached out and cupped my cheeks in his hands. “You think I wouldn’t have gathered that from what the four of us did a few days ago? What woman in her right mind would give that up?”
“Some would,” I said. “Some want exclusivity.”