I moved my fingers against my clit, pushing down onto him to match the pace, as he thrust up into me. “Ah,” I gasped, my mouth dropping open. Pleasure grew inside of me, swelling, building, threatening to take me over. When I opened my eyes and looked at him, that’s when it happened—the orgasm swept over me, radiating throughout my body, overcoming me.
He covered my lips with a kiss before I could make a sound.
Something about the gentleness of his kiss matched with the roughness of his cock pushed deep into me was more than I could take, and I crumpled against him, holding him tight and close. I wanted to cry and I didn’t know why. As my rapid breaths died down, he moved hard into me once more. My pussy still clenched tightly around his cock, the pleasure flooding out to own me, and soon enough I felt him edging near the end, too. With a grunt, he came, holding himself still within me.
We were so intently wrapped around each other that it took us a good long moment to unwind when we came apart. I kissed him once more, noticing that the filtered evening light picked him out so beautifully that it almost hurt. Jesus, he was one of the sexiest men I’d ever laid eyes on in my life. And he wanted me. All of me.
“That was amazing, Kayla.” Dom ran his hands over my bare back, making my skin prickle.
“It really was,” I sighed. “I didn’t know you could be so…”
“Yeah, me neither,” he admitted with a grin. He kissed me again, and for a moment I was totally up for round two, but Dom had other ideas.
Lying alongside me, head back on the pillow, he closed his eyes and caressed my arm with his hand. “You said you have an interview soon, right?”
“Yes, tomorrow.” I sighed. I’d have to pick out something to wear, and make the long drive to the East Bay. “I’d be writing for a food magazine in the Bay Area.”
“Is that what you want to do?”
“Not anymore.” I closed my eyes and focused on his breathing, his words, the warmth of his hand.
“What would you be doing if you could do anything you wanted?” he asked. “Dream a little.”
“Man…” I’d never been able to do whatever I wanted. That had never been in the cards. As my mind drifted off and my body relaxed, I felt dreamy as my thoughts wandered. “Open a bakery,” I said. “Maybe even a small bakery, working here in this house making custom orders. Though that would be impossible with the oven downstairs, I suppose. But I could bake all day and see you guys all the time. I can’t think of anything better, really. But maybe that’s silly. I bake for fun—I’m not a trained pastry chef, this house has an abysmal oven, and I’m gonna have to sell it anyway.” I shrugged. “But you said to dream a little, so there it is.”
I felt the shudder of a chuckle go through him. “Nah, you wouldn’t be perfect for that. It’s not like you know how to bake or anything.”
“One thing I know from being a professional is that training is one thing, but being able to do something with skill is quite another. You have that skill, that finesse. I’m not sure you’d need the training.”
An interesting point.
“What else do you dream of?” Dom’s voice was a whisper, and I wasn’t sure if he was falling asleep, the way I was.
I started to drift off, imagining what else I dreamed of. “Living in this beautiful house,” I murmured, falling away, falling asleep. “Being with you, Taylor…Logan.”
All was quiet.
“Being a family,” I added. “Taking care of one another.”
The last thing I remembered was his kiss in my hair.
Fielding calls left and right. Faxing documents. Talking to fake people on the phone and acting fake nice in return. It was all part of the show in which I performed every day of my life, but today was different—today I wasn’t into it. All I wanted was to be with Kayla again. To talk to her and see how she was feeling. Yeah, I wanted to fuck her again, this time in the pussy, with or without my friends, but that felt oddly superficial compared to the concern I had for her. I was going on Day Three without Kayla returning my texts or calls, and I was going bat-shit crazy.
Look, I knew I was lucky enough to have been included in the foursome with her. Lucky to have been given the chance to fulfill Kayla’s fantasies. When Dom and Taylor told me they needed me to help around the house for a week, I sort of knew we’d end up that way after all the signals she’d been sending. What I didn’t expect was for her to go silent on me.
But then again, a woman like Kayla, wanting a relationship with the three of us? What were the chances? She was gorgeous and sweet and baked cakes like a fucking pro—and gave head like a natural—but there was a wariness mixed in with her innocence. Women like her didn’t trust guys like us. Wary women steered clear of men with too much history.
But she’d tried us on for size. Tried herself on for size, too. As a result, the sex had been fucking amazing in that bedroom. But when she didn’t return my calls or texts, it was obvious Kayla had been thrown by what happened.
I had to wonder if Taylor and Dom were still getting to share Kayla, without me. If so, it would be fair—I’d come last into her life. But that didn’t mean I wanted her any less.
Lucky bastards. With them working on her house, they’d probably been able to talk to her, reassure her, fuck her again and again. Meanwhile I was here, getting my calls to her denied and waiting like an idiot for even one little text from her. Was she laughing with them right now? Baking for them and feeding them and running around half-naked with them?