Page 30 of Nailing Studs

“We want to take you out to dinner.”

“Oh, wow, really?” A warm flush swept over me. If I said yes to dinner, would that mean I was saying yes to the...well...the other thing?

“Just dinner, Kayla,” Dom said quietly. “All you’ll have to decide on is if you want a steak or pasta.”

My heart skipped a beat. I was pretty surprised by my immediate reaction. Two days ago I’d turned down a dinner invitation from Taylor and now I was getting another chance. A lot had changed in forty-eight hours.

“You know, after being in the house all day, that sounds really great. I’ll go get ready,” I said, my excitement obvious.

Taylor laughed. “Take your time, sweetheart. We’re going home to shower and change, then we’ll be back to pick you up. You don’t want to hang out with two sweaty guys.”

Like hell I didn’t.

We arranged for them to be back at my place at eight, then I dashed back to my room to scour my closet for something to wear. When I heard their truck rev, it occurred to me that I wasn’t even fazed by having two men in the house who could come and go at their will without me having to let them in or out. It was like they lived here, and I didn’t mind one little bit.

I took a shower, blow-dried my hair, and spent about twenty minutes shivering buck-naked in my bedroom, trying to pick out which dress I should wear. I settled on a knee-length dress embroidered with flowers that I’d picked up at a thrift store months before. I was pretty sure I could pass it off as formal or casual depending on where we ended up.

As I looked at myself in the mirror at a quarter to eight, I couldn’t help but smile. I was going on a date with two guys. Two friends. Two potential lovers, if I could finally wrap my head around it. Double the fun, double the pleasure. It could be an incredible adventure.

I could also be setting myself up to be hurt. With each loving caress of the cheek from Taylor and each unexpected play-slap of the ass from Dom, I was entangling myself further and further. I knew it would make leaving harder. For all of us.

But it was tough to listen to that rational voice when the image of the three of us kept occupying my mind: limbs intertwined, bodies in rhythm, breathing ragged and desperate.

I’d be rational later, I finally told myself. Tonight I wanted irrational. Tonight I wanted crazy, impossible, mind blowing.

When they knocked on my door an hour later, I carefully stepped down the stairs in my low heels, sweater in the crook of my arm. Opening the door and stepping back, I nearly fainted. “Holy shit,” I blurted out.

Taylor wore a different pair of jeans, a pressed dark blue button-down shirt, and black low boots. His shirtsleeves were rolled up casually to show off a fancy watch that looked sexy against his tanned skin and muscular forearms. His hair had been carefully gelled on top, but holy crap—that smile!

“Hello, pretty lady,” he said. “That dress looks fucking gorgeous on you. I mean—” He tapped his mouth as if remembering his manners and potty mouth. “Very gorgeous on you.”

“Thank you,” I said, shivering with excitement. “And you two…”

I looked at Dom. Tonight, he’d pulled out a sexier side of himself with his fitted gray pants and dark gray buttoned shirt, a black vest and loafers. His smile was more low-key, self-conscious, but sexy all the same. He reminded me of the real estate agent I’d met yesterday, Logan. Dom’s friend.

I froze. Dom’s friend, who had seemed more than interested in me...who’d hinted that he’d shared women with Dom before, at a time when Dom had been willing to share before that had changed. My throat tightened. Dom and Taylor were willing to share me—and even as a threesome. Was that offer limited to just the two men, or…

Was there a chance I could get it on with three guys?

Wow, now who’s being greedy, Kayla?

“You’re simply stunning, Kayla,” Dominic said, bringing me back down to earth. I had enough to evaluate—this was not the time to start fantasizing about a third man in my life.

“Thank you. You look amazing as well,” I said, then added, “You both look hot. What can I say? I’m a lucky girl.” I was tired of hiding my true feelings, and these men looked too damn fine not to tell them.

They smiled big, dimples fully showing. They escorted me to the driveway, where I didn’t see their work truck but instead noticed a deep blue, glossy car. Some kind of sports car—and a motorcycle, all fancy and full of chrome! One of them had told me the other day that they weren’t hurting for money, and I guess this was proof.

“Since you’re wearing a dress,” Dominic said, “why don’t you go with Taylor in his car? I’ll meet you there. I needed to give the bike a little exercise.” Dom strolled to his motorcycle, straddled the seat, put on his helmet, and started the rumbling engine. I admired his taut forearms. And those hands gripping those handlebars.


I sighed and followed Taylor. He opened the door for me and I slid into a tanned leather passenger seat. Inside smelled like aftershave, and come to think of it, that’s what was different about Taylor—he’d shaved. Smooth and sexy. All for me.

Man, this was going to be a fabulous night.

* * *

Dinner was simply wonderful.