Page 24 of Lip Service

“That’s what everyone says.” Of course, I’m pleased by Thomas’s praise, but I can’t help feeling leftover uncertainty whether going pro is the right play for Chad. Still, I came here (partly) because we’d decided he has to make his own choices. I can’t treat him like a kid anymore.

“You seem apprehensive.” Thomas notes. “Does it help to know that Hunter was the one who convinced me to go pro, and he’s stuck by my side ever since.”

“And now he’s basically family,” Angela adds with a warm smile. “In fact…” She turns to Hunter. “We’re here to ask you to be our future son’s godfather.” She rubs her stomach.

“Seriously?” Hunter straightens and grins wide. He looks overjoyed as he pulls Angela in for a hug, then shakes Thomas’s hand. “Oh man, I’m going to teach this kid so much about football, about women—”

“Easy now,” Thomas warns him. “Don’t make me rescind the offer.”

“Please,” Hunter scoffs, but he’s unable to wipe the smile off his face. “You know that’s not even close to being an option.”

“Now that you’ve accepted, we should probably extend an invite for a BBQ we’re having in your honor,” Angela says. “And we’re not taking no for an answer.”

“You should come too, Dani,” Thomas turns to me. “Bring your brother. I’d love to meet him.”

Oh my God. Chad would be over the moon. I glance at Hunter, though, wondering what he thinks of this invitation, and he immediately nods.

“I’d love it if you both could come,” he says.

My heart beats faster and I almost smile but I tell myself Hunter’s enthusiasm isn’t for me. He just wants his chance to schmooze with Chad.

Yeah, keep telling yourself that, my pussy seems to tell me, still throbbing and achy from Hunter’s mouth. “Sure,” I manage to say. “That would be great. Thank you.”

“Wonderful!” Thomas booms and slaps a hand on Hunter’s shoulder. “You can see what this guy is like away from the agency.”

I refrain from saying I know what he’s like. “Thanks again for the invitation. It was nice meeting both of you. I should really be getting out of here, though. I’m going to be late for my appointment.”

Hunter walks me to the office door. “I’ll text you the address for the party later.”

“Sure,” I breathe out.

“Dani,” he calls before I can take more than a few steps in the hall.

I turn. “Yes?”

“Don’t forget your promise.”

I’m too speechless to reply. Instead, I just lift my hand in goodbye and book it out of there.