“No. I don’t think you’re messing with my head.”
“I’m not,” he responded instantly. “I won’t.”
She shrugged before turning back to face the road.
“Do you live far?” Aurora asked, and then for some reason, her cheeks went a little pink and she cast her eyes down. “Um, I mean, is wherever we’re going far?”
She thought he was taking her to a hotel? Hell to the absolute no. “I live about five minutes from here. And my bed is about twenty seconds beyond that.”
She looked up at him and he thought he detected relief in her gaze.
Some of the intensity from the hallway had started to ebb away from them. In its absence, Dante was starting to sense her nervousness, her vague unease. Well, fuck that. The only thing she was going to feel tonight was good, if he had anything to do with it. Wanting to distract her from whatever thoughts were haunting her, Dante took her hand and brought it up to his mouth.
He kissed her palm, just once, almost absentmindedly, before he nipped his way down her wrist. His eyes on the road, all he could do was listen to the sweet little gasping sound she made.
“Aurora, sweetheart, if you’re particularly attached to that dress, you better start unzipping it now, because it’s not going to last long once we get through my front door.”
Once again, she made a little gasping noise that had him gripping the steering wheel hard in order to keep the car on the road.
She pulled her wrist out of his grip and then Dante thanked god for the red light that allowed him to turn and stare as she flicked one button after another on her coat. Her skin was golden, even in the dim light of the car and the crimson of her dress was muted to a deep blood red.
Her coat fell away and he watched in hypnotized slow motion as her hands went around to the side of her dress.
Dante cursed as the car behind them honked. He stepped on the gas and turned onto a side road. If she was stripping down, he did not want some teenager on his way home from his shift at a gas station able to peek in and see. He turned down another and another side road, officially taking the long way home, but he didn’t care. The street lights fell away and the houses gave way to trees. There weren’t any headlights on the road but theirs.
Dante’s heart tried to crawl up his throat as he watched her zip the side of the dress down. He could feel her eyes on his face but he was looking nowhere but at her breasts as she let the top of her dress fall away and her red lace bra was revealed.
Holy shit, she was going to kill him. He felt his blood pressure rise up and he licked his lips. Her breasts, large and golden and spilling over the confines of her bra, were panting up and down with her breath.
He reached out with one of his hands, unable to keep from touching her, but she moved at the same time and he only grazed her warm shoulder with the backs of his knuckles. Dante would have complained but she was moving toward him. She stretched her seatbelt and leaned over the center console. He felt her breath on his neck and then those soft, plump lips against his throat. Just the sweetest little press.
Her breasts pushed against his arm and Dante tightened his grip on the steering wheel. He wasn’t going to be able to touch her tonight if he crashed the car. So he laser-focused his eyes before him and took a deep breath. And then she opened her mouth, just the tiniest bit, and he felt her tongue trace over him.
She was tasting him?
Yeah. The driving part of the night was over. Dante pulled the car off the side of the road.
Aurora instantly pulled back from him, confused. But he’d had enough. Couldn’t take it another second. He pushed his seat all the way back from the steering wheel, unbuckled his seat belt and then hers, and then grabbed her around the waist, dragging her into his lap.
She gasped, gripping him around the neck to steady herself. Dante had to lean back and look at her. Her dress pooled at her waist, preventing him from seeing her panties and he couldn’t abide it. He gently yanked the soft fabric up over her head and tossed it into the passenger seat.
Holy god. There she was. Straddling him, raised up on her knees, her hair spilling over her shoulders. Fragrant and tumbling and adorning her body like it was jewelry. Her lace bra matched her red lace underwear and Dante’s mouth went completely dry.
“Jesus god,” he muttered, tracing his hands up her perfect, tight little waist. His hands paused over her ribs, framing her lush breasts. Where to start? He reached up to kiss her and again she turned her head, softening the rejection by offering her neck to him.
The same frustration he’d felt before opened up inside of him. But he couldn’t let it ruin the moment. He dropped his head to her pulse point and kissed her there like he would her mouth.
Aurora’s body tightened and liquefied all at once. He grinned against her skin when she moaned, deep in her throat. He skimmed his hand over her back, strong and sure, straight to her ass. And then he pulled her right down over him. Her heat landed over the zipper of his pants and she let out a helpless, desperate sound.
Dante broke away from her neck and landed his forehead against her collarbones. He stared down at her breasts as one of his hands played with the seam of her panties at her ass.
“Damn you for ruining red lace for me, Aurora,” he muttered.
“I fucking love red lace. But no one will ever look this good in red lace again. It’s ruined for me.”