“That day in my office, Gio asked me if the father would understand about the baby. I was hugging him but I was thinking of you. Thinking how badly I hoped you’d still want me after you found out I was pregnant.”

Dante’s mouth opened and closed. His brow furrowed.

Aurora plowed on. “I’m six months along, Dante. Which means—”

“I got you pregnant that first night. After the gala.”

“Probably across the hood of your car.” She lifted a wry eyebrow. “I wasn’t thinking of Gio when I was with you that night. You filled my every thought. And afterward, I was still sad about Gio, lonely and rejected. But I couldn’t stop thinking about you. Especially with all those damn flowers.”

He smiled.

“And then I found out I was pregnant. I was horny as hell and confused and sad and I wanted you so badly. And there you were, offering yourself up, no strings attached, and I took my chance.” She took a deep breath and let one of her thumbs trace a small circle over the pulse point at his neck. “I started sleeping with you. But it was never for the reasons you thought.”

“You weren’t using me to get over Gio?”

She shook her head. “Honestly, I don’t think I thought of Gio again after that night in your entryway.”

A sun rose in Dante’s chest but he beat it back. He needed to know the rest. “You weren’t thinking of him when I touched you?”

Now Aurora threw her head back and laughed, really laughed. Dante wasn’t quite sure how to feel about that. He was halfway between scowling and laughing himself.

“Dante, I told you once and I’ll tell you again. You suck all the oxygen out of the room for me. You’re so undeniably you. There absolutely is no pretending it’s not you.” She traced her hand over his lips, his nose. “Your scent, your voice, your presence, it calls to me, Dante. It was only you for me. And when I realized I loved you… I should have told you sooner. About my love and about the baby. And I’m so sorry now I didn’t. But I’m not sorry you’re here. And I’m not sorry we have a second chance.”

Dante hadn’t realized the shadow that had still been hovering over him, not until he felt it lift. Not until he felt the sun rise. He felt it explode through him. Kneeling before her again, Dante let his forehead fall forward and rest on her rounded belly. And he felt something real, something electric and strong, zip through him.

He raised his head in surprise and blinked at Aurora.

“You felt it too?” she asked, swiping a hand over her belly.

He nodded and carefully placed his hand over hers.

He felt it again. A swell of energy so strong it raised the hairs on his arm.

“What is it?” he asked.


Dante rose. “So let me get this straight. I love you. And you love me.”


“And we’re having a baby.”


“And you’re going to date the hell out of me while we figure this shit out.”

Aurora’s eyes widened and filled with tears. He swiped at them as they rolled over her rounded, golden cheeks. Then he leaned forward and pressed his lips to hers. Her plush mouth melted against his and he felt the zing he always did when she was near. The heat and the warmth.

The fire that was Aurora.

She pulled away, blinked the tears out of her eyes, and took a deep breath. “Yup.”