“Get everyone out of the businesses on either side. I’m going to reconnect the explosives, and we’re going to have a little fun. I’ll reprogram the timers to give everyone a little cushion.”
While the others ran to the neighboring businesses, getting everyone out, Hayes stood behind Miller, watching him.
“Get out, kid.”
“I’d like to watch, sir. I’d like to learn more about explosives.”
“Hayes, you’ve got a fucking brilliant mind. This is work for a man who has half the brain you do.”
“It’s intelligent, honest work, sir. It saved hundreds of lives over your career.” Miller turned to stare at the young man. “I know your Ranger history, sir. You’ve saved hundreds, and that’s no exaggeration. I understand the compounds and chemical structures of explosives but not how to make them work without killing myself and possibly others. That interests me, sir.”
“Okay, okay, just stop calling me sir,” he grinned. “But do me a favor and step outside with the others. Just in case.”
“Yes, sir,” he smirked.
A few minutes later, Miller appeared beside the men. The bomb squad, fire department, and police department all showed up.
“What do we have?” asked the head of the bomb squad.
“From what we can tell, a timed detonator on a set of servers. We only came to see the property,” said Gabe. Seconds later, the entire building exploded, sending debris and contents from the other buildings.
“What about those poor people?” whispered Hayes.
“Don’t worry, their insurance will cover any damages and rebuilding, and we’ll help if needed,” said Gabe. “Let’s go, kid, before they want to ask any more questions.”
Hayes was placed on a plane with Evie to head home while the others flew to Las Vegas. Whatever was located there needed to be shut down as well.
“Marcel? We’re headed to Las Vegas, where we think some of these servers are bouncing and working,” said Gaspar.
“Bouncing and working?” frowned Pigsty, laughing at the older man.
“Shut up,” growled Gaspar. “You know what I meant.”
“I-I should like to go with you, but let me say goodbye to Amy first.” Gaspar nodded, chuckling at his relative.
“Marcel, you don’t have to go, but if you do, she’ll be just fine. Everyone will be here with her, and no harm will come to her.”
“I know she’ll be fine. I worry that something will affect me in this other place.”
“Mama and Pops both think you’ll be just fine now. You and Amy are connected forever, Marcel.”
“I trust you,” he nodded. “Let me kiss my wife.”
Code walked in with his laptop, plus a spare, as well as three different cell phones. He put them all inside a backpack and stood at the door.
“What are you doing?” asked Nine.
“Going with you. Who else is going to download everything? Hayes is on his way back from Salt Lake, and we can’t keep putting the kids in these situations. I’ll handle this one, and Monroe and Spencer are going to sit with Pigsty and help if needed.”
“Code? We’re not interfering in school or fun with these kids, are we?” asked Gaspar.
“Nope. I’ve made it very clear that they cannot be here without approval from their parents and signed releases from the school.”
“Uh, huh,” frowned Nine. “And you don’t think these genius kids went around that rule? Maybe found a way to interfere in the text messaging and sent it themselves?”
“Oh, fuck!” roared Code. “Spencer! Monroe!”