Page 12 of Scammed

“I’ll be back soon,” smiled Marcel at the beautiful young woman. He brushed a curl from her forehead, smiling at her as Kelsey and Ally took her vitals. She was lying back on the sofa in the garçonnière. She gave him a weak smile.

“Will you come back here?” she asked, holding his hand.

“If you wish me to be here, I will be here,” he said gallantly.

“I wish it,” she said softly. “The way you speak is so elegant. I think I could listen to you speak forever.”

“I hope you get your wish,” he whispered. He bent slowly, kissing her forehead, and then stared at her for what seemed an eternity.

“Hey, Romeo, let’s go,” smiled Gaspar.

“I’ll be right there. I’ll bring your clothing back for you. Is there anything else you would like?”

“No. Just you.”

He nodded and left the cottage with Gaspar and Nine. As the men stepped inside the SUV, Marcel stared at the open seat and fine leather. He’d seen the vehicles many times but had never dared to go into one. Especially not in solid form.

“Just try it, Marcel,” said Nine.

Carefully, he lifted one leg and placed his foot inside the door on the floor mat. He was surprised to feel solid footing. Sliding onto the seat, he brought his other leg inside the vehicle and then shut the door.

“This is a marvelous machine,” he said, staring at it.

“They are marvelous machines,” grinned Nine. “Now, let’s see if we can get you inside this marvelous machine and off the property.”

“What will happen if I can’t? I mean, will I become a ghost again?”

“I wish I knew, Marcel,” said Gaspar. “This is a first for all of us. I hope you stay just as you are because I think Amy is becoming incredibly fond of you.”

“And I her,” he said, holding the door handle, waiting for what he believed would be the inevitable. Approaching the gate, they waited until it was fully open and then slowly drove through, all eyes looking into the backseat. When he was still there as they hit the main river road, they let out a sigh of relief.

“Well, that’s one test passed,” smirked Nine. Marcel nodded, frowning at the men.

“I am confused by many things right now, but I am most confused by the connection of my painting at Prometheus and Amy, if it’s connected at all.”

“Did you start Prometheus?” asked Gaspar.

“In a manner of speaking, yes. I always came back from my explorations and was paid well by the crown. Sometimes, I took more than I should have, but it was always to give to those less fortunate. I thought if I had a legitimate organization to provide funding to, the crown wouldn’t notice.

“Prometheus was the Greek god who represented human striving, particularly the quest for scientific knowledge and the risk of overreaching or unintended consequences. I identified with that as well. Amy’s ancestor was a good shipmate and excellent friend. He was much like her. Honest, sincere, a good family man. I believe he had three sons. I’m happy that he saw to keep my dream alive.”

“You know, maybe not today or tomorrow, but one day, you’re going to need to tell her,” said Nine.

“How? How will I tell her that I was born before this country became a country? How shall I do that?”

“Brother, I have no idea, but in any relationship, there should be honesty above all else.” Nine noticed the strange look on his face, then realized something. “Marcel? Have you been in a committed relationship with a woman? Did you have a fiancée or girlfriend?”

“No. I did not have the time nor the interest. I sought the company of ladies who were able to service me, and I could pay them and thereby provide a service to them. No prostitutes or whores, only women who truly needed the money to support themselves or their children. But I saw no point in marrying. I am, I was young.”

“Well, a few pieces of advice for you. Always speak the truth unless it’s a question where the answer might hurt her.”

“Such as?”

“Such as, does this dress make me look fat?” said Gaspar.

“Why on earth would any woman ask that!” he exclaimed.

“Good question and no one knows the answer to that, but don’t answer the question. Find something else to speak about. Never leave one another in anger. Talk through your issues, resolve them quickly. Tomorrow may not come. Love one another fully. If you choose to have a relationship with Amy, do it all the way or not at all. Don’t string her along and leave her hurt.”