I stepped through the door and headed out to meet the Supervisor, the guard on my heels.
I awoke and didn’t feel groggy at all. Whatever the stuff was that the Supervisor gave me, it didn’t have many negative effects upon waking. I felt more awake and alert than ever!
Still, it would have been nice to know what I’d been given.
The scientists continued their work in the lab and I wondered if they ever actually took time off, slept, or bothered to eat. They were machines.
I shivered as I recalled Kren’s face encased inside that guard’s armor. He had some sort of implant in his right eye that glowed red like a laser. His skin was pallid and he had no hair.
Because he didn’t need it.
Hair didn’t help the guards do their job. They needed to be strong, fast… and who better to base their guard clone designs on than their long-time undisputed champion?
How many other guards were there spread throughout the galaxy? How many more clones?
Did he even know about them? I doubted it.
My skin crawled at the idea of there being an uncountable number of clones of me out there in the universe. It robbed me of my identity. If there were more of me out there, did it diminish me as a person? Was I somehow watered down?
No, I thought. Because none of those clones had the same memories I did. None thought the same way. None had the same upbringing. They could clone me as much as they liked but they weren’t going to be me.
Just as the guards weren’t Kren.
They were imperfect copies of him, nothing more.
My cell was a rough square shape with a longer back wall than the front. The walls were covered with cushions designed to ensure I didn’t hurt myself. If I wanted to do that, I could use the chair, I thought.
I ran my hands over the cushions but couldn’t identify a loose thread anywhere. The fabric was plasticky to the touch and when I pressed on them, they pressed back on my hands like a trampoline.
I peered out through the front wall at the science lab. Were they going to keep me locked in here during the entirety of my pregnancy? That looked like the plan.
And how long would I be pregnant with this baby inside me? It wasn’t human. It was half-human. How long was the gestation period of the average neb?
I wasn’t ready for this. I doubted I would ever be ready.
Was any mother really ready to have a kid? I knew my mom wasn’t.
Thinking about her now brought tears to my eyes. We’d never been close but I would take that awkward relationship over my current situation any day of the week.
The door to the science lab hissed and opened, revealing Kren.
My Kren.
He was here to carry out the deal he made with the Supervisor. He was going to reveal his ability to him. It was clearly something the Supervisor was interested to learn more about, otherwise he would have declined the offer.
Kren passed his eyes over the room, taking in the details of the equipment… but not the people working in it. His eyes passed over me and my section of wall.
I jumped and waved my arms and shouted but his eyes continued to move.
The Supervisor guided Kren to a chair like the one in my cell.
Kren hesitated before approaching it. A pair of guards stood to one side, shock rifles in hand.