Soon, Druin would come for me, to claim my life the way he had Ohara’s. I would find a weapon, something to strike at him with, to claim his life instead. I would—
I felt a soft tap on my arm.
It was Gpidod and her eyes were focused firmly on the fighting pit. “You’re going to want to see this.”
No, I really didn’t. But the upward curve of the corners of Gpidod’s lips made me think otherwise. When I turned around and looked, I saw…
I saw…
I wasn’t exactly sure what I saw…
Ohara was no longer on the ground, struggling to breathe. He was on his feet, using Druin’s sword as a stand. His ankles were crossed and he considered Druin as if he wasn’t even really there.
Druin was half bent over, one arm tucked under his armpit, the other between his legs, and he was making a weird noise like he was now the one being choked.
“What… what am I looking at?” I asked.
I wanted to laugh like the others but I couldn’t bring myself to do it until I understood what was going on.
“He’s doing an impression of a zilaz,” Gpidod said before cupping a hand over her mouth to conceal her laugh.
“What’s a zilaz?” I asked.
“It’s a type of creature that lays… eggs? Is that how you say it in your language?”
“Eggs?” I said, perplexed. “Like a chicken?”
If Druin was performing an impression of a chicken, it was the weirdest chicken I had ever seen.
The crowd seemed to like it as they roared with laughter.
“Ladies and gentlemen,” Ohara said, letting the sword fall to the dusty floor. “I give you, the king of the roost!”
He raised his hands as though he were a puppet master, manipulating Druin’s movements.
And suddenly, I understood.
Many of the inmates had a special ability, unique only to their species, and it turned out Ohara’s was the ability to control others’ minds!
That was what he was doing right then. And that was why he needed to get Druin’s helmet off. Somehow, it must block his ability.
I stood in awe and, although I didn’t fully understand what was going on, I laughed uproariously, as did the entire prison.
Druin was no longer a Champion but an alien chicken. The prison would never let him forget about it.
And the best part, the part that drew tears of excitement to my eyes, was that soon, Ohara would be here, with me, in the Prize Pool.
He would Claim me and take me for his own. He would take me to his room and we would be together, alone, and this time, there was no need to be shy, no need to hold back. This time, I would Claim him every bit as much as he Claimed me.
With a hop in my step, I ran into the backroom and hurriedly washed, changed into the best sheer dress I could find, put on fresh makeup, and made myself as beautiful as I could for the Champion.
No, not the Champion, but my Champion.
Within ten minutes, all the Prizes were summoned into the Viewing Room. They all turned to look at me, watching.
Us assembling like this was a formality, I knew. Him Claiming me was just a foregone conclusion, but I supposed we had to follow protocol.
The Prizes gibbered among themselves as a wave of excitement preceded Ohara’s arrival. He entered the Viewing Room, his eyes fastened steadfast on me and only me.