I couldn’t have been claimed.
I didn’t want to be claimed.
Harper frowned with confusion. She couldn’t believe he had chosen me. The other girls wore the same expression.
Shocked? Join the club.
“Move!” Lily said quietly but firmly.
My legs felt unsteady as I stepped off the dais and shuffled toward the Beast who waited for me on the other side of the room.
This can’t be happening. This can’t be happening.
My heart thudded in my chest, so hard I thought it was trying to escape.
I joined the Beast and glanced at him.
He would shake his head at the obvious mistake that’d been made. I would return to my safe spot on the dais and Harper, or one of the others, or Lily for all I cared, would take my place instead.
It’d all been a terrible mistake.
But when I looked at the Beast, he didn’t shake his head. He waited for me to join him at his shoulder and we marched, side by side, toward his cell.
This wasn’t supposed to happen.
I wasn’t supposed to be his Prize.
What the fuck was going on?
We walked in silence down the long hallways that stretched like spiderwebs. We were located in a prison called Ikmal, on a moon named Gharr. The entire moon was a prison, where, according to Harper, the worst criminals from the known galaxy were sent.
The intergalactic equivalent of Alcatraz.
And I had been abducted and brought there to service the victors in a twisted series of daily battles.
Lucky me.
“Today is my lucky day,” Harper had said first thing this morning. “I’ve got a secret weapon that will make me irresistible.”
She sprayed herself with perfume that made me gag and pinch my nose.
“What is that?” I said.
Harper raised a small glass perfume bottle like it was the Holy Grail.
“The female mating pheromones of the neb. He won’t be able to control himself.”
“Neither will the flies. It smells worse than cougar piss.”
Harper arched an eyebrow.
“And you have some experience with cougar piss, do you? The Beast can’t resist me when I wear this stuff. You wait and see. Today is my lucky day!”
There was a strong sense of hierarchy among the Prizes. There was prestige in snagging the highest-ranked fighter.
And that prestige, apparently, now belonged to me.
The Beast had chosen me.