I leaned back and enjoyed the rush of liquid evacuating my body.
The soft splatter of urine made a tiny stream that washed away part of the sand as it rolled down the incline and further into the sand dune valley.
Then the sound turned hard and thudded like rain on a roof.
I looked down and spotted a circle of plastic mostly submerged beneath the sand.
I shook myself off and tucked myself away.
I bent down and gripped a fringe of wood and yanked it from the sand dune.
It was a square box with a familiar symbol on the front.
I opened it and discovered a bunch of items a doctor would use in emergency situations.
A cold feeling washed over me as I slammed the box shut and turned it over.
I ran my hands over the outer casing until I came to the identification marks along the bottom.
I couldn’t believe it.
It was the first aid kit from the shuttlecraft.
It was here! The shuttlecraft had been here!
I turned and quickly scanned the area.
I didn’t know what I was looking for but I knew I would recognize it the moment I saw it.
Was the edge of that corner a little sharper and more angular than the other dunes?
As if something had passed over it and left a groove in the sand?
That was where the shuttlecraft went.
No, that was where the shuttlecraft had been taken.
My crew hadn’t let me down after all.
Someone had stolen it.
Egara woke me that morning and he could barely contain himself.
Within ten minutes, we had buried the packaging from the food we ate the previous night.
Egara unlocked another two petals of hidden stash buried inside the Desert Flower statue and we hit the road.
Egara had a new lease of life and it spilled over into me.
He found tracks that might lead to the shuttlecraft his crew had left for him.